Linkerd - stable-2.14.5


This stable release fixes a proxy regression where bursts of TCP connections
could result in EOF errors, due to an incorrect queue capacity. In addition, it
includes fixes for the control plane, dependency upgrades, and support for image
digests in Linkerd manifests.

  • Added a controlPlaneVersion override to the linkerd-control-plane Helm chart
    to support including SHA256 image digests in Linkerd manifests (thanks
    @cromulentbanana!) (#11406; fixes #11312)
  • Added a checksum/config annotation to the destination and proxy injector
    deployment manifests, to force restarting those workloads whenever their
    webhook secrets change during upgrade (thanks @iAnomaly!) (#11440; fixes
  • Updated the Policy controller's OpenSSL dependency to v3, as OpenSSL 1.1.1 is
    EOL (#11625)
  • proxy: Increased DEFAULT_OUTBOUND_TCP_QUEUE_CAPACITY to prevent EOF errors
    during bursts of TCP connections (proxy PR #2521)


Nov. 22, 2023, 10:24 p.m.
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