Linkerd - edge-23.11.4


This edge release introduces support for the native sidecar containers entering
beta support in Kubernetes 1.29. This improves the startup and shutdown ordering
for the proxy relative to other containers, fixing the long-standing
shutdown issue with injected Jobs. Furthermore, traffic from other
initContainers can now be proxied by Linkerd.

In addition, this edge release includes Helm chart improvements, and improvements
to the multicluster extension.

  • Added a new annotation
    and Proxy.NativeSidecar Helm option that causes the proxy container to run
    as an init-container (thanks @teejaded!) (#11465; fixes #11461)
  • Fixed broken affinity rules for the multicluster service-mirror when running
    in HA mode (#11609; fixes #11603)
  • Added a new check to linkerd check that ensures all extension namespaces are
    configured properly (#11629; fixes #11509)
  • Updated the Prometheus Docker image used by the linkerd-viz extension to
    v2.48.0, resolving a number of CVEs in older Prometheus versions (#11633)
  • Added nodeAffinity to deployment templates in the linkerd-viz and
    linkerd-jaeger Helm charts (thanks @naing2victor!) (#11464; fixes


Nov. 22, 2023, 9:17 p.m.
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