Linkerd - stable-2.14.10


This stable release back-ports bugfixes and improvements from recent edge

  • Introduced support for arbitrary labels in the podMonitors field in the
    control plane Helm chart (thanks @jseiser!) (#11222; fixes #11175)
  • Added a prometheusUrl field for the heartbeat job in the control plane Helm
    chart (thanks @david972!) (#11343; fixes #11342)
  • Updated the Destination controller to return INVALID_ARGUMENT status codes
    properly when a ServiceProfile is requested for a service that does not
    exist. (#11980)
  • Reduced the load on the Destination controller by only processing Server
    updates on workloads affected by the Server (#12017)
  • Changed how updates to a Server selector are handled in the destination
    service. When a Server that marks a port as opaque no longer selects a
    resource, the resource's opaqueness will reverted to default settings
    (#12031; fixes #11995)
  • Fixed a race condition in the destination service that could cause panics
    under very specific conditions (#12022; fixes #12010)
  • Fixed an issue where inbound policy could be incorrect after certain policy
    resources are deleted (#12088)


Feb. 20, 2024, 6:01 p.m.
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