Linkerd - edge-22.6.2


This edge release bumps the minimum supported Kubernetes version from v1.20
to v1.21, introduces some new changes, and includes a few bug fixes. Most
notably, a bug has been fixed in the proxy's outbound load balancer that could
cause panics, especially when the balancer would process many service discovery
updates in a short period of time. This release also fixes a panic in the
proxy-injector, and introduces a change that will include HTTP probe ports in
the proxy's inbound ports configuration, to be used for policy discovery.

  • Fixed a bug in the proxy's outbound load balancer that could cause panics
    when many discovery updates were processed in short time periods
  • Added runtimeClassName options to Linkerd's Helm chart (thanks @jtcarnes!)
  • Introduced a change in the proxy-injector that will configure the inbound
    ports proxy configuration with the pod's probe ports (HTTPGet)
  • Added godoc links in the project README file (thanks @spacewander!)
  • Increased minimum supported Kubernetes version to v1.21 from v1.20
  • Fixed an issue where the proxy-injector would not emit events for resources
    that receive annotation patches but are skipped for injection
  • Refactored PublicIPToString to handle both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in a
    similar behavior (thanks @zhlsunshine!)
  • Replaced the usage of branch with tags, and pinned cosign-installer action
    to v1 (thanks @saschagrunert!)
  • Fixed an issue where the proxy-injector would panic if resources have an
    unsupported owner kind


June 20, 2022, 9:58 p.m.
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