Linkerd - edge-22.3.2


This edge release includes a few fixes and quality of life improvements. An
issue has been fixed in the proxy allowing HTTP Upgrade requests to work
through multi-cluster gateways, and the init container's resource limits and
requests have been revised. Additionally, more Go linters have been enabled and
improvements have been made to the devcontainer.

  • Changed linkerd-init resource (CPU/memory) limits and requests to ensure by
    default the init container does not break a pod's Guaranteed QOS class
  • Added a new check condition to skip pods whose status is NodeShutdown
    during validation as they will not have a proxy container
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent proxies from sending HTTP Upgrade requests
    (used in websockets) through multi-cluster gateways


March 11, 2022, 5:56 p.m.
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