Linkerd - edge-22.8.1


This releases introduces default probe authorization. This means that on
clusters that use a default deny policy, probes do not have to be explicitly
authorized using policy resources. Additionally, the
policyController.probeNetworks Helm value has been added, which allows users
to configure the networks that probes are expected to be performed from.

Additionally, the linkerd authz command has been updated to support the policy
resources AuthorizationPolicy and HttpRoute.

Finally, some smaller changes include allowing to disable linkerd-await on
control plane components (using the existing proxy.await configuration) and
changing the default iptables mode back to legacy to support more cluster
environments by default.

  • Updated the linkerd authz command to support AuthorizationPolicy and
    HttpRoute resources
  • Changed the proxy.await Helm value so that users can now disable
    linkerd-await on control plane components
  • Added probe authorization by default allowing clusters that use a default
    deny policy to not explicitly need to authorize probes
  • Added ability to run the Linkerd CNI plugin in non-chained (stand-alone) mode
  • Added the policyController.probeNetworks Helm value for configuring the
    networks that probes are expected to be performed from
  • Changed the default iptables mode to legacy


Aug. 5, 2022, 10:25 p.m.
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