Linkerd - stable-2.14.1



This stable release introduces a fix for service discovery on endpoints that
use hostPorts. Previously, the destination service would return the pod IP
associated with the endpoint which could break connectivity on pod restarts.
Discovery responses have been changed to instead return the host IP. This
release also fixes an issue in the multicluster extension where an empty
remoteDiscoverySelector field in the Link resource would cause all services
to be exported. Finally, this release includes numerous other fixes and
enhancements and addresses two security vulnerabilities,
CVE-2023-2603 detected in the proxy-init runtime
image's libcap library and RUSTSEC-2023-0052, a
potential CPU usage denial-of-service attack in the proxy's webpki library

  • CLI
  • Fixed linkerd check --proxy incorrectly checking the proxy version of
    pods in the completed state (thanks @mikutas!) ([#11295]; fixes [#11280])
  • Fixed erroneous skipped messages when injecting namespaces with linkerd inject (thanks @mikutas!) ([#10231])

  • CNI

  • Addressed security vulnerability CVE-2023-2603 in
    proxy-init and CNI plugin ([#11296])

  • Control Plane

  • Changed how hostPort lookups are handled in the destination service.
    Previously, when doing service discovery for an endpoint bound on a
    hostPort, the destination service would return the corresponding pod IP. On
    pod restart, this could lead to loss of connectivity on the client's side.
    The destination service now always returns host IPs for service discovery
    on an endpoint that uses hostPorts ([#11328])
  • Updated HTTPRoute webhook rule to validate all apiVersions of the resource
    (thanks @mikutas!) ([#11149])

  • Helm

  • Removed unnecessary annotation from the
    linkerd-control-plane Helm chart (thanks @mikutas!) ([#11329]; fixes
  • Introduced resource requests/limits for the policy controller resource in
    the control plane helm chart ([#11301])

  • Multicluster

  • Fixed an issue where an empty remoteDiscoverySelector field in a
    multicluster link would cause all services to be mirrored ([#11309])
  • Removed time out from linkerd multicluster gateways command; when no
    metrics exist the command will return instantly ([#11265])
  • Improved help messaging for linkerd multicluster link ([#11265])

  • Proxy

  • Addressed security vulnerability
    RUSTSEC-2023-0052 in the proxy ([#11361])


Sept. 25, 2023, 6:45 p.m.
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