Linkerd - edge-22.1.4


This edge release features a new configuration annotation, support for
externally hosted Grafana instances, and other improvements in the CLI,
dashboard and Helm charts. To learn more about using an external Grafana
instance with Linkerd, you can refer to our

  • Added a new annotation to configure skipping subnets in the init container
    ( This configuration option is ideal for
    Docker-in-Docker (dind) workloads (thanks @michaellzc!)
  • Added support in the dashboard for externally hosted Grafana instances
    (thanks @jackgill!)
  • Introduced resource block to linkerd-jaeger Helm chart (thanks
  • Introduced parametrized datasource (DS_PROMETHEUS) in all Grafana
    dashboards. This allows pointing to the right Prometheus datasource when
    importing a dashboard
  • Introduced a consistent --ignore-cluster flag in the CLI for the base
    installation and extensions; manifests will now be rendered even if there is
    an existing installation in the current Kubernetes context (thanks
  • Updated the service mirror controller to skip mirroring services whose
    namespaces do not yet exist in the source cluster; previously, the service
    mirror would create the namespace itself.


Jan. 20, 2022, 8:28 p.m.
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