Rook - v1.10.1


Rook v1.10.1 is a patch release limited in scope and focusing on feature additions and bug fixes to the Ceph operator.
- nfs: Add support for NFS snapshots, restore clone & resize (#10892, @Rakshith-R)
- docs: Warn to upgrade Helm chart to 1.9.10 before upgrading to K8s 1.25 (#10937, @travisn)
- operator: Improve ProbeHandler error message (#10776, @motorailgun)
- helm: Set OBC storageclass name to correct namespace. If the operator is in a different namespace from the cluster, will require deleting the OBC storage class before upgrade. (#10904, @BlaineEXE)
- manifest: Fix unexpected end of stream (#10899, @khrisrichardson)
- rbd-mirror: Move volume replication sidecar to CSI-Addons (#10777, @yati1998)
- csi: Trigger CSI driver reconcile for every update to the configmap rook-ceph-operator-config (#10906, @Madhu-1)
- csi: Use cephcsi image for nfs nodeserver + holder design (#10791, @Rakshith-R)
- osd: Small refactor for maintainability (#10858, @satoru-takeuchi)
- csi: Change the default fsgroup policy for CSI driver object to File (#10854, @humblec)
- csi: Fix holder pod creation in openshift multus cluster (#10875, @Madhu-1)
- docs: Sharing a CephFS PVC across namespaces (#10381, @guimou)
- docs: Add example for configuring pg_num and pgp_num (#10781, @ideepika)
- osd: Disallow to create OSDs on an LV with metadata device (#10855, @satoru-takeuchi)
- docs: Add missed sssdConfigFile params for NFS CRD (#10861, @BlaineEXE)


Sept. 9, 2022, 7:28 p.m.
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