FluxCD v2 - v2.2.3


Flux v2.2.3 is a patch release which comes with various fixes and improvements. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

:bulb: For upgrading to Flux v2.2, please see the procedure documented in 2.2.0.

This release updates the Kubernetes dependencies to v1.28.6 and various other dependencies to their latest version to patch upstream CVEs.

All controllers are built with Go 1.21.6 using Alpine Linux 3.19.1 base image.

Due to breaking changes in Helm v3.14.0, the helm-controller version included in this patch release comes with Helm SDK v3.13.3.
A preview build of the helm-controller with the latest Helm SDK is available at helm-controller#879.


  • Reconciling empty directories and directories without Kubernetes manifests no longer results in an error. This regressing bug was introduced with the kustomize-controller upgrade to Kustomize v5.3 and has been fixed in this patch release.
  • The regression due to which Roles and ClusterRoles with aggregated roles were continuous reconciled by kustomize-controller has been fixed.
  • The HelmRelease status reporting has been improved by ensuring that the stale failure conditions get updated after failure recovery.

See the components changelog for a full list of bug fixes.

Components changelog

CLI Changelog

  • PR #4589 - @stefanprodan - Update dependencies
  • PR #4585 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump the ci group with 3 updates
  • PR #4583 - @fluxcdbot - Update toolkit components
  • PR #4575 - @stefanprodan - Update dependencies to Kubernetes v1.28.6
  • PR #4573 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump the ci group with 5 updates
  • PR #4558 - @twinguy - flux check should error on unrecognised args
  • PR #4557 - @twinguy - flux stats should error on unrecognised args
  • PR #4554 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump the ci group with 3 updates
  • PR #4553 - @twinguy - Properly detect unexpected arguments during uninstall
  • PR #4535 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump github.com/cloudflare/circl from 1.3.6 to 1.3.7
  • PR #4533 - @darkowlzz - tests/int: Add separate resource cleanup step


Feb. 5, 2024, 2:44 p.m.
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