FluxCD v2 - v0.25.0


Flux v0.25.0 comes with various bug fixes and no breaking changes. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

This version aligns Flux and its components with the Kubernetes 1.23 release and Helm 3.7.
The Flux CLI and the GitOps Toolkit controllers are now build with Go 1.17 and Alpine 3.15.
In addition, various Go and OS packages were updated to fix known CVEs.

Note that Kubernetes 1.19 has reached end-of-life in November 2021. This is the last Flux release where Kubernetes 1.19 is supported.

Components changelog

CLI changelog

  • PR #2281 - @Skarlso - Add optional bindir input to Flux GitHub Action
  • PR #2280 - @stefanprodan - Update Git providers
  • PR #2278 - @fluxcdbot - Update notification-controller to v0.20.1
  • PR #2272 - @hiddeco - Update golang.org/x/crypto to latest main
  • PR #2271 - @stefanprodan - Update toolkit components and packages
  • PR #2259 - @fluxcdbot - Update toolkit components
  • PR #2234 - @souleb - Use provided SSH hostname to sync with SSH
  • PR #2223 - @stefanprodan - Add the Helm CLI to the GitHub ARM64 runners setup
  • PR #2213 - @relu - Fix ./manifests/scripts/bundle.sh path resolution
  • PR #2212 - @squaremo - [RFC-0001] Memorandum on the authorization model
  • PR #2208 - @grafjo - Update kube-prometheus-stack to 23.2.0


Jan. 12, 2022, 12:32 p.m.
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