FluxCD v2 - v2.2.1


Flux v2.2.1 is a patch release that comes with fixes to API backwards compatibility.
Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

:bulb: For upgrading to Flux v2.2, please see the procedure documented in 2.2.0.

This version was tested with the latest Kubernetes release, and extends Flux support to Kubernetes v1.29.

The Helm SDK was updated to the latest version, v3.13.3.

Logging in kustomize-controller and helm-controller has been improved to provide faster feedback on any HTTP errors encountered while fetching artifacts from source-controller.

Components changelog

CLI Changelog

  • PR #4488 - @hiddeco - tests: update API dependencies
  • PR #4484 - @stefanprodan - Run conformance tests for Kubernetes v1.29.0
  • PR #4483 - @fluxcdbot - Update toolkit components
  • PR #4481 - @hoexter - Remove duplicate part of the reconcile hr --reset help message
  • PR #4478 - @stefanprodan - Remove deprecated monitoring configs
  • PR #4476 - @hiddeco - Properly detect unsupported API errors
  • PR #4468 - @hiddeco - Add 2.2.x backport label


Dec. 15, 2023, 10:38 a.m.
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