FluxCD v2 - v2.1.2


Flux v2.1.2 is a patch release which comes with various fixes. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.


  • Ensures faster recovery of Kustomization and HelmRelease resources when the source-controller has restarted and is working on restoring the storage.
  • Prevent source-controller from failing to reconcile OCIRepositories when artifacts contain symlinks.
  • Addresses issue with helm-controller miss-labeling Custom Resource Definitions.
  • Detect immutable field errors in Google Cloud resources managed by Flux Kustomizations.
  • Better error reporting for flux bootstrap when the owner doesn't match the identity associated with the given token.
  • Allow flux pull artifact to fetch OCI artifacts produced by other tools.

Components changelog

CLI Changelog

  • PR #4324 - @somtochiama - bootstrap: Fix error msg when the Git token doesn't match the repo owner
  • PR #4323 - @stefanprodan - e2e: Update Go dependencies
  • PR #4313 - @fluxcdbot - Update toolkit components
  • PR #4296 - @Skarlso - fix: only wait for changeset if the result is not empty
  • PR #4285 - @matheuscscp - Add badge for SLSA Level 3
  • PR #4284 - @errordeveloper - Make flux pull work for OCI artifacts produced by other tools


Oct. 12, 2023, 1:57 p.m.
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