FluxCD v2 - v0.27.0


Flux v0.27.0 comes with new features and improvements. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

Breaking changes

  • Flux custom resources require their names to follow the DNS label standard as defined in RFC 1123. The metadata.name can only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters or - and must contain at most 63 characters.
  • This version introduces a breaking change to the Helm uninstall behavior, as the --wait flag is now enabled by default. Resulting in helm-controller to wait for resources to be deleted while uninstalling a release. Disabling this behavior is possible by setting spec.uninstall.disableWait: true in HelmRelease manifests.

New features and improvements

  • Add support to notification-controller for sending events to Grafana annotations API.
  • Allow selecting event sources based on labels using the Alert API spec.eventSources[].matchLabels field.
  • Add support to kustomize-controller for making the Kubernetes Secrets and ConfigMaps referenced in postBuild.substituteFrom optional.
  • Allow dot-prefixed paths to be used for bootstrap e.g. flux bootstrap --path=".flux/clusters/my-cluster".
  • All Flux controllers and libraries are now tested by Google's continuous fuzzing for open source software.

Components changelog

CLI Changelog

  • PR #2444 - @fluxcdbot - Update toolkit components
  • PR #2443 - @SomtochiAma - Validate that object name adheres to RFC 1123 for flux create commands
  • PR #2439 - @SomtochiAma - Use text/template library instead of html/template for logs
  • PR #2427 - @souleb - Bootstrap bitbucket-server: Make sure we retrieve the right project
  • PR #2426 - @foot - Add support for Kustomizations with dot-prefixed paths
  • PR #2425 - @souleb - Add a simple spinner when running flux diff kustomization


Feb. 16, 2022, 1:59 p.m.
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