Hasura - v2.32.1


This is a patch release for v2.32

Mongo DB updates (Cloud / Enterprise edition only)

  • Logical models are available for MongoDB, allowing you to write and customize your schema for your MongoDB Collections (and Views).
  • New interface for importing models for Collections from a single document sample. (Ability to share models and permissions across Collections and even parts of Collections.)
  • Interface to author in-database relationships between collections in your MongoDB database.
  • Enhancements for adding MongoDB Views to your API, allowing for custom views of your data using aggregation pipelines.
  • Enhancements to our query capabilities by introducing where clauses and permissions on embedded (nested) documents.
  • Enhancements for creating relationships between remote databases using GraphQL in Hasura - including a visual builder and the ability to specify your MongoDB Collections as targets for remote relationships.


Aug. 23, 2023, 10:07 a.m.
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