Hasura - v2.2.0



Nested Action Types

Actions now support nested responses as described by associated action types.Example:

type Product {
 id: bigint!
 name: String
type ElasticOutput {
 products: [Product!]!
 aggregations: jsonb

Previously, nested responses could be encapsulated in a generic "jsonb" output type but this loses precise type information for the API. The current support now allows specifying complex return types for the output.

Currently limits action relationships to top-level fields in the output types.

GraphQL REST Endpoints OpenAPI Body Specifications

GraphQL REST endpoints are documented via Swagger (OpenAPI) under the /api/swagger/json endpoint. We now document the request and response bodies of the endpoints in addition to previous information.

MS SQL Server Update for Hasura Server

Expand Transactions to GraphQL Queries and mssql_run-sql API

Extend transactions to GraphQL queries and mssql_run_sql API

Rollback a Transaction Based in the Transaction State

We can query the transaction state using XACT_STATE() scalar function. If the transaction is not active, don't rollback the transaction.

Upsert - SQL Generation and Execution

We are translating the if_matched section from the graphql, which is represented by the if_matched type, to a MERGE SQL statement. Example:

mutation {
    objects: { id: 1, name: "aaa" }
    if_matched: { match_columns: author_pkey, update_columns: name }
  ) {
    returning {

Breaking Changes

  • For any MSSQL backend, count aggregate query on multiple columns is restricted with a GraphQL
    schema change as follows
count (
---  columns: [table_select_column!]
+++  column: table_select_column
  distinct: Boolean
): Int!

MSSQL doesn't support applying COUNT() on multiple columns.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • server: add a placeholder field to the schema when the query_root would be empty
  • server: fix invalid GraphQL name in the schema arising from a remote relationship from a table in a custom schema
  • server: add a new metadata API get_cron_triggers to fetch all the cron triggers
  • server: add response transforms for actions, events, and triggers
  • server: bigquery: implement distinct_on.
  • server: extend transactions to MSSQL GraphQL queries and mssql_run_sql /v2/query API
  • server: improve error messages in MSSQL database query exceptions
  • server: in mssql transactions, rollback only if the transaction is active
  • server: add request and response bodies to OpenAPI specification of REST endpoints
  • server: implement upsert mutations for MS SQL Server (close #7864)
  • server: extend support for insert mutations to tables without primary key constraint in a MSSQL backend
  • server: fix parsing FLOAT64s in scientific notation and non-finite ones in BigQuery
  • server: extend support for the min/max aggregates to all comparable types in BigQuery
  • server: fix support for joins in aggregates nodes in BigQuery
  • server: fix for passing input objects in query variables to remote schemas with type name customization (#7977)
  • server: fix REST endpoints with path segments not showing correctly in the OpenAPI spec
  • server: fix aliases used in GraphQL queries in REST endpoints not being reflected in the OpenAPI spec
  • server: refresh JWKs a maximum of once per second (fix #5781)
  • server: implement update mutations for MS SQL Server (closes #7834)
  • server: support nested output object types in actions (#4796)
  • server: action webhook requests now include a User-Agent header (fix #8070)
  • console: action/event trigger transforms are now called REST connectors
  • console: fix list of tables (and schemas) being unsorted when creating a new trigger event (fix #6391)
  • console: fix custom field names breaking browse table sorting and the pre-populating of the edit row form
  • console: enable support for insert & delete permissions for mssql tables
  • console: enable inherited role on settings page
  • cli: migrate and seed subcommands has an option in prompt to choose and apply operation on all available databases
  • cli: fix metadata diff --type json | unified-json behaving incorrectly and showing diff in YAML format.
  • cli: fix regression in migrate create command (#7971)
  • cli: stop using /healthz endpoint to determine server health
  • cli: fix regression with --address flag of hasura console command (#8005)


Feb. 2, 2022, 8:33 p.m.
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