Hasura - v2.31.0-beta.1



Newly-improved suggested relationships UI

Introduces a new suggested relationships UI for Postgres and MS SQL with added features and improved performance. It is curently accessible by enabling a Feature Flag.

Improved User Experience for RESTified Endpoints!

  • Create CRUD REST endpoints for your tracked tables with just 2 clicks from the Modify tables page.
  • Enjoy a seamless REST endpoint creation form experience with features like "Import from GraphiQL," auto-suggested name and URL, and more.
  • Easily navigate and manage your RESTified endpoints with an improved listing page, equipped with search and HTTP Request Method filters.
  • Improvements to REST endpoints details page for a better overall experience.

Behaviour changes

  • Credentials are no more suggested for API Explorer headers with secret value. (Not working on Chrome for now due to an opened issue).

Bug fixes and improvements


  • Fixes a bug for Sql Server data sources where aggregation queries would not respect inherited permissions.
  • Allow the return type for a Native Query to be defined inline to avoid name clashes.
  • Adds a new env var HASURA_GRAPHQL_REMOTE_SCHEMA_SKIP_NULLS to control whether explicit null values are forwarded to Remote Schemas.
  • When Postgres source connections fail to connect, the source name will now be logged as part of the error.
  • Fixes a bug for Postgres data sources where aggregating over Computed Fields while also ordering or using the nodes field would cause the query to fail.
    Improves handling of inherited roles in Postgres.
  • Allows dropping remote relationships using the *_delete_remote_relationship as part of an atomic metadata change with the bulk_atomic Metadata API.
  • Adds a log line for an Event Trigger timeout error.
  • Allows dropping table relationships using *_drop_relationship as part of an atomic metadata change with the bulk_atomic Metadata API.
  • Fixes issue where we were not ignoring some Cloudflare-related headers while computing cache key (with "forward client headers"). (Cloud / Enterprise edition only)


  • Improved the user experience for Postgres array data types in the Console.
  • Fixed headers issue with mutation input validation. Now we support templating for headers value from env vars
  • Fix issue with the new tracking UI where the pagination does not reset when search is applied
  • Fix issue with missing details in edit postgres connection when SSL settings are only partially filled.
  • Display and allow editing database permission comments.
  • Reflect new values when saving permissions on some databases.
  • template and timeout properties can be provided from the console for Data Connector-backed databases connections.
  • In the Raw SQL page, SQL queries with more than 5000 characters are not persisted across sessions anymore to avoid performance issues.
  • Resolves an issue where the permissions editor for Postgres/MS SQL databases could show stale data for table relationships.
  • Fixes issue with MSSQL where the creation of table with a default value in a text column prevented the table's creation (fixes: 9737).
  • Fixes issue with MSSQL and Cockroach DB where browse rows records would not render when the source had GraphQL customization.
  • Fixes bug preventing non-existent columns from being highlighted as errors in the GraphiQL editor.
  • Adds a search bar to RESTified Endpoints table.
  • Adds the ability to edit existing Native Queries and add relationships between two Native Queries on the same source in the Console.
  • Support tracking Mongo collections using Logical Models. (Cloud / Enterprise edition only)

Data Connectors

  • Adds support for explicitly listing desired schemas from Snowflake, via the new include_schemas config option. (Cloud / Enterprise edition only)


July 26, 2023, 4:07 p.m.
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