Ethereum (Go) - v1.13.3

Geth v1.13.3 is a scheduled maintenance release with various small additions and an important Pebble database fix.

  • Update Pebble to fix an occasional IO and CPU runaway, adding some debugging capabilities too (#28224, #28070).
  • Support full syncing to a specific hash without a beacon client via a --synctarget (#28209).
  • Allow configuring websocket message limits via the Go RPC client (#27801).
  • Drop support for eth/66 (Cancun will require eth/68 anyway) (#28239).
  • Lower snap missing eth protocol warning to debug level (#28249).
  • Enforce transaction metadata announcements in eth/68 (#28261).

Features related to the Cancun hardfork:

  • Implement the BLOBFEE opcode for the upcoming Cancun hard fork (#28098).
  • Enable blob transaction propagation and mining in Cancun networks (#28243).
  • Start throttling transaction retrievals to prepare for blobs in Cancun (#28304).

For a full rundown of the changes please consult the Geth 1.13.3 release milestone.

As with all our previous releases, you can find the:


Oct. 12, 2023, 11:38 a.m.
Armeni (v1.13.3)
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