Ethereum (Go) - v1.13.2

Geth v1.13.2 is a bugfix release for the 1.13 family as well as contains the Holesky testnet relaunch.

Note, if you have previously ran Geth with the old Holesky testnet configs, the new version will probably fail to start with a genesis hash mismatch error. You will need to manually delete your holesky/chaindata folder and restart. Geth did not implement special code for cleaning up the failed launch of the testnet.

  • Fix various pathdb corruption corner-cases during snap sync node restart (#28171, #28163).
  • Reconfigure the Holesky testnet with an updated genesis (#28191, #28192, #28193).
  • Remove the rollback mechanism from snap sync, unneeded post-merge (#28147).
  • Make the block parameter in eth_call optional, defaulting to latest (#28165).
  • Forget transactions previously marked underpriced after 5 minutes (#28097).
  • Fix JSON marshalling issue from ethclient retrieving block receipts (#28087).
  • Fix --bootnodes flag if the list is also configured in the toml file (#28095).

For a full rundown of the changes please consult the Geth 1.13.2 release milestone.

As with all our previous releases, you can find the:


Sept. 28, 2023, 7:24 a.m.
Phaistos (v1.13.2)
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