Ethereum (Go) - v1.13.10

This release is equivalent to v1.13.9, just contains a version bump. The reason is that a bad commit was tagged on 1.13.9 originally and whilst it was untagged and fixed, some caches (Go's package manager (go mod)) managed to store the temporary bad version. As there is no way for us to flush the bad version out, it's cleaner to tag a next version instead. Apologies about the mess.

This release fixes a few issues and enables the Cancun upgrade for the Goerli network at block timestamp 1705473120 (#28719) which is 6:32:am 17. Jan. 2024 UTC.

:warning: If you are running Goerli, this is a required update!

Apart from the Goerli configuration update, we have a few other changes.

  • The 'simulated backend' in package accounts/abi/backends was rewritten. The improved version is available from the new package ethclient/simulated. A backwards-compatibility wrapper remains in the old location. (#28202)
  • Fix ABI-encoding of negative big.Int in topics (#28764)
  • In JSON logging output, the "error" level is now correctly emitted as "error". (#28774, #28780)
  • Fixed an issue with configuration of stdlib package log for consumers of the geth library (#28747)
  • geth removedb can now be run non-interactively (#28725)
  • We're building a package for ubuntu 23.10: mantic minotaur now (#28728)


  • Add currentExcessBlobGas to the state tests for better coverage of state tests (#28735)
  • Fixed an issue in t8n regarding blob gas usage (#28735)

For a full rundown of the changes please consult the Geth 1.13.9 release milestone.

As with all our previous releases, you can find the:


Jan. 11, 2024, 5:30 p.m.
Sharjila B (v1.13.10)
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