Consul - v1.10.9


1.10.9 (February 28, 2022)


  • agent: Use SHA256 instead of MD5 to generate persistence file names.


  • ca: support using an external root CA with the vault CA provider [GH-11910]


  • connect: Update supported Envoy versions to include 1.18.6 [GH-12450]
  • connect: update Envoy supported version of 1.20 to 1.20.2 [GH-12434]
  • debug: reduce the capture time for trace to only a single interval instead of the full duration to make trace.out easier to open without running into OOM errors. [GH-12359]
  • raft: add additional logging of snapshot restore progress [GH-12325]
  • rpc: improve blocking queries for items that do not exist, by continuing to block until they exist (or the timeout). [GH-12110]
  • sentinel: (Enterprise Only) Sentinel now uses SHA256 to generate policy ids
  • server: conditionally avoid writing a config entry to raft if it was already the same [GH-12321]
  • server: suppress spurious blocking query returns where multiple config entries are involved [GH-12362]


  • agent: Parse datacenter from Create/Delete requests for AuthMethods and BindingRules. [GH-12370]
  • areas: (Enterprise Only) Fixes a bug when using Yamux pool ( for servers version 1.7.3 and later), the entire pool was locked while connecting to a remote location, which could potentially take a long time. [GH-1368]
  • raft: fixed a race condition in leadership transfer that could result in reelection of the current leader [GH-12325]
  • server: (Enterprise only) Namespace deletion will now attempt to delete as many namespaced config entries as possible instead of halting on the first deletion that failed.
  • server: partly fix config entry replication issue that prevents replication in some circumstances [GH-12307]
  • ui: Ensure we always display the Policy default preview in the Namespace editing form [GH-12316]
  • xds: Fixed Envoy http features such as outlier detection and retry policy not working correctly with transparent proxy. [GH-12385]


Security wording was detected, but no CVEs were found.


Feb. 28, 2022, 9:17 p.m.
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