Consul - v1.14.6

1.14.6 (March 30, 2023)


  • audit-logging: (Enterprise only) Fix a bug where /agent/monitor and /agent/metrics endpoints return a Streaming not supported error when audit logs are enabled. This also fixes the delay receiving logs when running consul monitor against an agent with audit logs enabled. [GH-16700]
  • ca: Fixes a bug where updating Vault CA Provider config would cause TLS issues in the service mesh [GH-16592]
  • peering: (Consul Enterprise only) Fix issue where connect-enabled services with peer upstreams incorrectly required service:write access in the default namespace to query data, which was too restrictive. Now having service:write to any namespace is sufficient to query the peering data.
  • peering: (Consul Enterprise only) Fix issue where resolvers, routers, and splitters referencing peer targets may not work correctly for non-default partitions and namespaces. Enterprise customers leveraging peering are encouraged to upgrade both servers and agents to avoid this problem.
  • peering: Fix issue resulting in prepared query failover to cluster peers never un-failing over. [GH-16729]
  • peering: Fixes a bug that can lead to peering service deletes impacting the state of local services [GH-16570]
  • peering: Fixes a bug where the importing partition was not added to peered failover targets, which causes issues when the importing partition is a non-default partition. [GH-16693]
  • ui: fix PUT token request with adding missed AccessorID property to requestBody [GH-16660]


March 31, 2023, 12:54 a.m.
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