Nomad - v1.1.13


1.1.13 (May 10, 2022)


  • server: validate mTLS certificate names on agent to agent endpoints [GH-11956]


  • api: Updated the CSI volumes list API to respect wildcard namespaces [GH-11724]
  • build: upgrade and speedup circleci configuration [GH-11889]


  • Fixed a bug where successful poststart tasks were marked as unhealthy [GH-11945]
  • api: Apply prefix filter when querying CSI volumes in all namespaces [GH-12184]
  • cleanup: prevent leaks from time.After [GH-11983]
  • client: Fixed a bug that could prevent a preempting alloc from ever starting. [GH-12779]
  • client: Fixed a bug where clients that retry blocking queries would not reset the correct blocking duration [GH-12593]
  • config: Fixed a bug where the reservable_cores setting was not respected [GH-12044]
  • core: Fixed auto-promotion of canaries in jobs with at least one task group without canaries. [GH-11878]
  • core: prevent malformed plans from crashing leader [GH-11944]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where plugin status commands could choose the incorrect plugin if a plugin with a name that matched the same prefix existed. [GH-12194]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where volume snapshot list did not correctly filter by plugin IDs. The -plugin parameter is required. [GH-12197]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where allocations with volume claims would fail their first placement after a reschedule [GH-12113]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where allocations with volume claims would fail to restore after a client restart [GH-12113]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where creating snapshots required a plugin ID instead of falling back to the volume's plugin ID [GH-12195]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where fields were missing from the Read Volume API response [GH-12178]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where garbage collected nodes would block releasing a volume [GH-12350]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where per-alloc volumes used the incorrect ID when querying for alloc status -verbose [GH-12573]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where plugin configuration updates were not considered destructive [GH-12774]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where plugins would not restart if they failed any time after a client restart [GH-12752]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where plugins written in NodeJS could fail to fingerprint [GH-12359]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where purging a job with a missing plugin would fail [GH-12114]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where single-use access modes were not enforced during validation [GH-12337]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where the maximum number of volume claims was incorrectly enforced when an allocation claims a volume [GH-12112]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where the plugin instance manager would not retry the initial gRPC connection to plugins [GH-12057]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where the plugin supervisor would not restart the task if it failed to connect to the plugin [GH-12057]
  • csi: Fixed a bug where volume snapshot timestamps were always zero values [GH-12352]
  • csi: Fixed bug where accessing plugins was subject to a data race [GH-12553]
  • csi: fixed a bug where volume detach, volume deregister, and volume status commands did not accept an exact ID if multiple volumes matched the prefix [GH-12051]
  • csi: provide CSI_ENDPOINT environment variable to plugin tasks [GH-12050]
  • jobspec: Fixed a bug where connect sidecar resources were ignored when using HCL1 [GH-11927]
  • scheduler: fixed a bug where in-place updates on ineligible nodes would be ignored [GH-12264]
  • ui: Fix the link target for CSI volumes on the task detail page [GH-11896]
  • ui: fix the unit for the task row memory usage metric [GH-11980]


Security wording was detected, but no CVEs were found.


May 11, 2022, 5:38 p.m.
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