k3s - v1.29.0+k3s1

This release is K3S's first in the v1.29 line. This release updates Kubernetes to v1.29.0.

Before upgrading from earlier releases, be sure to read the Kubernetes Urgent Upgrade Notes.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: This release removes the expiremental rotate-keys subcommand due to changes in Kubernetes upstream for KMSv2, the subcommand should be added back in future releases.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: This release also removes the multi-cluster-cidr flag, since the support for this alpha feature has been removed completely from Kubernetes upstream, this flag should be removed from the configuration before upgrade.

Changes since v1.28.4+k3s2:

  • Fix overlapping address range (#8913)
  • Modify CONTRIBUTING.md guide (#8954)
  • Nov 2023 stable channel update (#9022)
  • Default runtime and runtime classes for wasm/nvidia/crun (#8936)
  • Added runtime classes for wasm/nvidia/crun
  • Added default runtime flag for containerd
  • Bump containerd/runc to v1.7.10-k3s1/v1.1.10 (#8962)
  • Allow setting default-runtime on servers (#9027)
  • Bump containerd to v1.7.11 (#9040)
  • Remove GA feature-gates (#8970)
  • Only publish to code_cov on merged E2E builds (#9051)
  • Update Kubernetes to v1.29.0+k3s1 (#9052)
  • Update flannel to v0.24.0 and remove multiclustercidr flag (#9075)
  • Remove rotate-keys subcommand (#9079)

Embedded Component Versions

| Component | Version |
| Kubernetes | v1.29.0 |
| Kine | v0.11.0 |
| SQLite | 3.42.0 |
| Etcd | v3.5.9-k3s1 |
| Containerd | v1.7.11-k3s2 |
| Runc | v1.1.10 |
| Flannel | v0.24.0 |
| Metrics-server | v0.6.3 |
| Traefik | v2.10.5 |
| CoreDNS | v1.10.1 |
| Helm-controller | v0.15.4 |
| Local-path-provisioner | v0.0.24 |

Helpful Links

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- Open issues here
- Join our Slack channel
- Check out our documentation for guidance on how to get started or to dive deep into K3s.
- Read how you can contribute here


Dec. 22, 2023, 12:03 a.m.
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