k3s - v1.24.15+k3s1

This release updates Kubernetes to v1.24.15, and fixes a number of issues.

For more details on what's new, see the Kubernetes release notes.

Changes since v1.24.14+k3s1:

  • E2E Backports - June (#7726)
  • Shortcircuit commands with version or help flags #7683
  • Add Rotation certification Check, remove func to restart agents #7097
  • E2E: Sudo for RunCmdOnNode #7686
  • Fix spelling check (#7753)
  • Backport version bumps and bugfixes (#7719)
  • The bundled metrics-server has been bumped to v0.6.3, and now uses only secure TLS ciphers by default.
  • The coredns-custom ConfigMap now allows for *.override sections to be included in the .:53 default server block.
  • The K3s core controllers (supervisor, deploy, and helm) no longer use the admin kubeconfig. This makes it easier to determine from access and audit logs which actions are performed by the system, and which are performed by an administrative user.
  • Bumped klipper-lb image to v0.4.4 to resolve an issue that prevented access to ServiceLB ports from localhost when the Service ExternalTrafficPolicy was set to Local.
  • Make LB image configurable when compiling k3s
  • K3s now allows nodes to join the cluster even if the node password secret cannot be created at the time the node joins. The secret create will be retried in the background. This resolves a potential deadlock created by fail-closed validating webhooks that block secret creation, where the webhook is unavailable until new nodes join the cluster to run the webhook pod.
  • The bundled containerd's aufs/devmapper/zfs snapshotter plugins have been restored. These were unintentionally omitted when moving containerd back into the k3s multicall binary in the previous release.
  • The embedded helm controller has been bumped to v0.15.0, and now supports creating the chart's target namespace if it does not exist.
  • Remove unused libvirt config (#7759)
  • Add format command on Makefile (#7764)
  • Update Kubernetes to v1.24.15 (#7785)

Embedded Component Versions

| Component | Version |
| Kubernetes | v1.24.15 |
| Kine | v0.10.1 |
| SQLite | 3.39.2 |
| Etcd | v3.5.3-k3s1 |
| Containerd | v1.7.1-k3s1 |
| Runc | v1.1.7 |
| Flannel | v0.21.3-k3s1.23 |
| Metrics-server | v0.6.3 |
| Traefik | v2.9.10 |
| CoreDNS | v1.10.1 |
| Helm-controller | v0.15.0 |
| Local-path-provisioner | v0.0.24 |

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June 26, 2023, 2:41 p.m.
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