k3s - v1.24.2+k3s1

This release updates Kubernetes to v1.24.2, and fixes a number of issues.

For more details on what's new, see the Kubernetes release notes.

Changes since v1.24.1+k3s1:

  • Remove kube-ipvs0 interface when cleaning up (#5644)
  • The --flannel-wireguard-mode switch was added to the k3s cli to confgure the wireguard tunnel mode with the wireguard native backend (#5552)
  • Introduce the flannelcniconf flag to set the desired flannel cni configuration (#5656)
  • Integration Test: Startup (#5630)
  • E2E Improvements and groundwork for test-pad tool (#5593)
  • Update SECURITY.md (#5607)
  • Introduce --enable-pprof flag to optionally run pprof server (#5527)
  • E2E: Dualstack test (#5617)
  • Pods created by ServiceLB are now all placed in the kube-system namespace, instead of in the same namespace as the Service. This allows for enforcing Pod Security Standards in user namespaces without breaking ServiceLB. (#5657)
  • E2E: testpad prep, add alternate scripts location (#5692)
  • Add arm tests and upgrade tests (#5526)
  • Delay service readiness until after startuphooks have finished (#5649)
  • Disable urfave markdown/man docs generation (#5566)
  • The embedded etcd snapshot controller will no longer fail to process snapshot files containing characters that are invalid for use in ConfigMap keys. (#5702)
  • Environment variables prefixed with CONTAINERD_ now take priority over other existing variables, when passed through to containerd. (#5706)
  • The embedded etcd instance no longer accepts connections from other nodes while resetting or restoring. (#5542)
  • Enable compatibility tests for k3s s390x (#5658)
  • Containerd: Enable enable_unprivileged_ports and enable_unprivileged_… (#5538)
  • The embedded Helm controller now properly updates Chart deployments when HelmChartConfig resources are updated or deleted. (#5731)
  • Update to v1.24.2 (#5749)

Embedded Component Versions

| Component | Version |
| Kubernetes | v1.24.2 |
| Kine | v0.9.1 |
| SQLite | 3.36.0 |
| Etcd | v3.5.3-k3s1 |
| Containerd | v1.5.13-k3s1 |
| Runc | v1.1.2 |
| Flannel | v0.18.1 |
| Metrics-server | v0.5.2 |
| Traefik | v2.6.2 |
| CoreDNS | v1.9.1 |
| Helm-controller | v0.12.3 |
| Local-path-provisioner | v0.0.21 |

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June 27, 2022, 9:16 p.m.
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