Traefik - v3.0.0-rc1

- [docker,service] Adds weight on ServersLoadBalancer (#10372 by juliens)
- [file] Reload provider file configuration on SIGHUP (#9993 by sokoide)
- [k8s,k8s/gatewayapi] Upgrade gateway api to v1.0.0 (#10205 by mmatur)
- [k8s,k8s/gatewayapi] Support for cross-namespace references / GatewayAPI ReferenceGrants (#10346 by pascal-hofmann)
- [logs] Introduce static config hints (#10351 by rtribotte)
- [metrics,tracing,accesslogs] Remove observability for internal resources (#9633 by rtribotte)
- [metrics] Add support for sending DogStatsD metrics over Unix Socket (#10199 by liamvdv)
- [middleware,authentication] Add forwardAuth.addAuthCookiesToResponse (#8924 by tgunsch)
- [middleware] Implements the includedContentTypes option for the compress middleware (#10207 by rjsocha)
- [middleware] Feat re introduce IpWhitelist middleware as deprecated (#10341 by mmatur)
- [middleware] Add ResponseCode to CircuitBreaker (#10147 by fahhem)
- [middleware] Add rejectStatusCode option to IPAllowList middleware (#10130 by jfly)
- [plugins] Add http-wasm plugin support to Traefik (#10189 by zetaab)
- [rules] Bring back v2 rule matchers (#10339 by rtribotte)
- [server] Add SO_REUSEPORT support for EntryPoints (#9834 by aofei)
- [sticky-session] Support setting sticky cookie max age (#10176 by Patrick0308)
- [tracing,otel] Migrate to opentelemetry (#10223 by zetaab)
- Reintroduce dropped v2 dynamic config (#10355 by rtribotte)

Bug fixes:
- [k8s/crd,k8s] Delete warning in Kubernetes CRD provider about the supported version (#10414 by nmengin)
- [metrics] Fix OpenTelemetry unit tests (#10380 by mmatur)
- [middleware,authentication,metrics,tracing] Align OpenTelemetry tracing and metrics configurations (#10404 by rtribotte)
- [middleware] Fix brotli response status code when compression is disabled (#10396 by rtribotte)
- [tls,server] Compute priority for https forwarder TLS routes (#10288 by rtribotte)

- Update version comment in (#10383 by matthieuwerner)
- Improve migration guide (#10319 by rtribotte)

- [k8s/crd,k8s] Support file path as input param for Kubernetes token value (#10232 by sssash18)
- [middleware] Disable br compression when no Accept-Encoding header is present (#10178 by robin-moser)
- Merge current v2.11 into v3.0 (#10382 by mmatur)
- Merge back v2.11 into v3.0 (#10377 by mmatur)
- Merge back v2.11 into v3.0 (#10353 by youkoulayley)
- Merge current v2.11 into v3.0 (#10328 by mmatur)
- Merge v2.11 into v3.0 (#10417 by mmatur)


Feb. 13, 2024, 2:10 p.m.
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