Traefik - v3.0.0-beta3

- [docker,docker/swarm] Split Docker provider (#9652 by ldez)
- [k8s,hub] Remove deprecated code (#9804 by ldez)
- [k8s,k8s/gatewayapi] Support HostSNIRegexp in GatewayAPI TLS routes (#9486 by ddtmachado)
- [k8s/gatewayapi] Add support for HTTPRequestRedirectFilter in k8s Gateway API (#9408 by romantomjak)
- [k8s/ingress,k8s] Remove support of the APIVersion (#9949 by rtribotte)
- [k8s/ingress,k8s] Add option to the Ingress provider to disable IngressClass lookup (#9281 by jandillenkofer)
- [marathon] Remove Marathon provider (#9614 by rtribotte)
- [metrics] Remove InfluxDB v1 metrics middleware (#9612 by tomMoulard)
- [rancher] Remove Rancher v1 provider (#9613 by tomMoulard)
- [rules] Remove containous/mux from HTTP muxer (#9558 by tomMoulard)
- [tls,tcp,service] Add TCP Servers Transports support (#9465 by sdelicata)
- [webui] Added router priority to webui's list and detail page (#9004 by bendre90)

Bug fixes:
- [metrics] Fix OpenTelemetry metrics (#9962 by rtribotte)
- [metrics] Remove config reload failure metrics (#9660 by rtribotte)
- [metrics] Fix open connections metric (#9656 by mpl)
- [metrics] Fix OpenTelemetry service name (#9619 by tomMoulard)
- [tcp] Don't log EOF or timeout errors while peeking first bytes in Postgres StartTLS hook (#9663 by rtribotte)
- [webui] Detect dashboard assets content types (#9622 by tomMoulard)
- [webui] fix: detect dashboard content types (#9594 by ldez)

- [k8s] Improve Kubernetes support documentation (#9974 by rtribotte)
- Adjust quick start (#9790 by svx)
- Mention PathPrefix matcher changes in V3 Migration Guide (#9727 by aofei)
- Fix yaml indentation in the HTTP3 example (#9724 by benwaffle)
- Add OpenTelemetry in observability overview (#9654 by tomMoulard)

- Merge branch v2.10 into v3.0 (#9977 by ldez)
- Merge branch v2.10 into v3.0 (#9931 by ldez)
- Merge branch v2.10 into v3.0 (#9896 by ldez)
- Merge branch v2.10 into v3.0 (#9867 by ldez)
- Merge branch v2.10 into v3.0 (#9850 by ldez)
- Merge branch v2.10 into v3.0 (#9845 by ldez)
- Merge branch v2.10 into v3.0 (#9803 by ldez)
- Merge branch v2.10 into v3.0 (#9793 by ldez)
- Merge branch v2.9 into v3.0 (#9722 by rtribotte)
- Merge branch v2.9 into v3.0 (#9650 by tomMoulard)
- Merge branch v2.9 into v3.0 (#9632 by kevinpollet)


June 22, 2023, 9:27 a.m.
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