Traefik - v2.9.7

Bug fixes:
- [acme] Update go-acme/lego to v4.10.0 (#9705 by ldez)
- [ecs] Prevent panicking when a container has no network interfaces (#9661 by rtribotte)
- [file] Make file provider more resilient wrt first configuration (#9595 by mpl)
- [logs] Differentiate UDP stream and TCP connection in logs (#9687 by rtribotte)
- [middleware] Prevent from no rate limiting when average is zero (#9621 by witalisoft)
- [middleware] Prevents superfluous WriteHeader call in the error middleware (#9620 by tomMoulard)
- [middleware] Sanitize X-Forwarded-Proto header in RedirectScheme middleware (#9598 by ldez)
- [plugins] Update paerser to v0.2.0 (#9671 by ldez)
- [plugins] Update Yaegi to v0.15.0 (#9700 by ldez)
- [tls,http3] Bump quic-go to 89769f409f (#9685 by mpl)
- [tls,tcp] Adds the support for IPv6 in the TCP HostSNI matcher (#9692 by rtribotte)

- [acme] Add CNAME support and gotchas (#9698 by mpl)
- [acme] Further Let's Encrypt ratelimit warnings (#9627 by hcooper)
- [k8s] Add info admonition about routing to k8 services (#9645 by svx)
- [k8s] Improve TLSStore CRD documentation (#9579 by mloiseleur)
- [middleware] doc: add note about remoteaddr strategy (#9701 by mpl)
- Update copyright to match new standard (#9651 by paulocfjunior)
- Update copyright for 2023 (#9631 by kevinpollet)
- Update submitting pull requests to include language about drafts (#9609 by tfny)


Feb. 14, 2023, 3:41 p.m.
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