Traefik - v2.11.0

- [middleware] Deprecate IPWhiteList middleware in favor of IPAllowList (#10249 by lbenguigui)
- [redis] Add Redis Sentinel support (#10245 by youkoulayley)
- [server] Add KeepAliveMaxTime and KeepAliveMaxRequests features to entrypoints (#10247 by juliens)
- [sticky-session] Hash WRR sticky cookies (#10243 by youkoulayley)

Bug fixes:
- [acme] Update go-acme/lego to v4.15.0 (#10392 by ldez)
- [authentication] Fix NTLM and Kerberos (#10405 by juliens)
- [file] Fix file watcher (#10420 by juliens)
- [file] Update to v1.7.0 (#10313 by ldez)
- [http3] Update quic-go to v0.40.1 (#10296 by ldez)
- [middleware,tcp] Add missing TCP IPAllowList middleware constructor (#10331 by youkoulayley)
- [nomad] Update the Nomad API dependency to v1.7.2 (#10327 by jrasell)
- [server] Fix ReadHeaderTimeout for PROXY protocol (#10320 by juliens)
- [webui] Fixes the Header Button (#10395 by mdeliatf)
- [webui] Fix URL encode resource's id before calling API endpoints (#10292 by andsarr)

- [acme] Fix TLS challenge explanation (#10293 by cavokz)
- [docker] Update wording of compose example (#10276 by svx)
- [docker,acme] Fix typo (#10294 by youpsla)
- [ecs] Mention ECS as supported backend (#10393 by aleyrizvi)
- [k8s/crd] Adjust deprecation notice for Kubernetes CRD provider (#10317 by rtribotte)
- [middleware] Update the documentation for RateLimit to provide a better example (#10298 by rmburton)
- [server] Fix the keepAlive options for the CLI examples (#10398 by immanuelfodor)
- Prepare release v2.11.0-rc2 (#10384 by rtribotte)
- Improve Concepts documentation page (#10315 by oliver-dvorski)
- Prepare release v2.11.0-rc1 (#10326 by mmatur)
- Fix description for anonymous usage statistics references (#10287 by ariyonaty)
- Documentation enhancements (#10261 by svx)


Feb. 12, 2024, 3:59 p.m.
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