Traefik - v2.10.2

Bug fixes:
- [acme] Update go-acme/lego to v4.12.1 (#9935 by ldez)
- [acme] Update go-acme/lego to v4.12.0 (#9918 by ldez)
- [acme] Update go-acme/lego to v4.11.0 (#9883 by ldez)
- [acme] Do not check for wildcard domains for non DNS challenge (#9881 by erkexzcx)
- [k8s/crd] Fix multiple subsets endpoint (#9914 by joaosilva15)
- [k8s/ingress,k8s/crd,k8s,hub] Clean code related to Hub (#9894 by ldez)
- [metrics] Enable Prometheus provider cleanup when only the router's metrics level is activated (#9887 by rtribotte)
- [middleware] Encode query semicolons (#9943 by LandryBe)
- [middleware] Missing trailer with custom errors middleware (#9942 by rtribotte)
- [middleware] Support informational headers in middlewares redefining the response writer. (#9938 by rtribotte)
- [plugins] Improve error messages related to plugins (#9924 by ldez)
- [tracing] Update DataDog tracing dependency to v1.50.1 (#9953 by der-eismann)

- [accesslogs] Fix over-indented yaml configuration of access logs (#9930 by ufUNnxagpM)
- [tls] Add FAQ documentation about TLS certificates (#9868 by rtribotte)
- Fix typo (#9966 by green1052)
- Add business callouts (#9940 by tomatokoolaid)
- Add logo for GitHub dark mode (#9890 by ldez)


June 19, 2023, 3:12 p.m.
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