Telepresence - 2.10.0


  • Feature: The Traffic Manager can now be set to either "team" mode or "single user" mode.
    When in team mode, intercepts will default to http intercepts.

  • Feature: The telepresence helm sub-commands insert and upgrade now accepts all types
    of helm --set-XXX flags.

  • Feature: A new telepresence helm upgrade command was added with the additional flags
    --reuse-values and --reset-values. This means that the telpresence helm install --upgrade
    flag has been deprecated.

  • Change: The configmap traffic-manager-clients has been renamed to traffic-manager.

  • Change: The Helm installation will now fail if intercept.disableGlobal=true and traffiManager.mode
    is not set to team.

  • Feature: Image pull secrets for the traffic-agent can now be added using the Helm chart setting

  • Bugfix: A timeout was added to the pre-delete hook uninstall-agents, so that a helm uninstall doesn't
    hang when there is no running traffic-manager.

  • Change: If the cluster is Kubernetes 1.21 or later, the mutating webhook will find the correct namespace
    using the label rather than

  • Change: The name of the mutating webhook now contains the namespace of the traffic-manager so
    that the webhook is easier to identify when there are multiple namespace scoped telepresence
    installations in the cluster.

  • Change: The OSS Helm chart is no longer pushed to the datawire Helm repository. It will
    instead be pushed from the telepresence proprietary repository. The OSS Helm chart is still
    what's embedded in the OSS telepresence client.


Jan. 11, 2023, midnight
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