Telepresence - 2.6.0


  • Feature: Traffic-agent is now capable of intercepting multiple containers and multiple ports per container.

  • Change: All pod-injection is performed by the mutating webhook. Client will no longer modify workloads.

  • Change: Traffic-agent is configured using a ConfigMap entry. In prior versions, the configuration was passed in the container environment.

  • Change: The helm-chart no longer has a default set for the, and unless its set, the traffic-manager will ask
    SystemA for the preferred image.

  • Change: Client no longer needs RBAC permissions to update deployments, replicasets, and statefulsets.

  • Change: Telepresence now uses Helm version 3.8.1 when installing the traffic-manager

  • Change: The traffic-manager will not accept connections from clients older than 2.6.0. It can't, because they still use the old way of
    injecting the agent by modifying the workload.

  • Change: When upgrading, all workloads with injected agents will have their agent "uninstalled" automatically. The mutating webhook will
    then ensure that their pods will receive an updated traffic-agent.

  • Bugfix: The help for commands that accept kubernetes flags will now display those flags in a separate group.


May 13, 2022, midnight
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