Telepresence - 2.8.2

(October 15, 2022)

  • Feature: The Telepresence DNS resolver is now capable of resolving queries of type A, AAAA, CNAME,
    MX, NS, PTR, SRV, and TXT.

  • Feature: A new client struct was added to the Helm chart. It contains a connectionTTL that controls
    how long the traffic manager will retain a client connection without seeing any sign of life from the client.

  • Feature: A dns struct container the fields includeSuffixes and excludeSuffixes was added to the Helm
    chart client struct, making those values configurable per cluster.

  • Feature: The API port used by the traffic-manager is now configurable using the Helm chart value apiPort.
    The default port is 8081.

  • Change: The Helm chart dnsConfig was deprecated but retained for backward compatibility. The fields
    alsoProxySubnets and neverProxySubnets can now be found under routing in the client struct.

  • Change: The Helm chart agentInjector.agentImage was moved to agent.image. The old value is deprecated but
    retained for backward compatibility.

  • Change: The Helm chart agentInjector.appProtocolStrategy was moved to agent.appProtocolStrategy. The old
    value is deprecated but retained for backward compatibility.

  • Change: The Helm chart dnsServiceName, dnsServiceNamespace, and dnsServiceIP has been removed, because
    they are no longer needed. The TUN-device will use the traffic-manager pod-IP on platforms where it needs to
    dedicate an IP for its local resolver.

  • Bugfix: Environment variable interpolation now works for all definitions that are copied from pod containers
    into the injected traffic-agent container.

  • Bugfix: An attempt to create simultaneous intercepts that span multiple namespace on the same workstation
    is detected early and prohibited instead of resulting in failing DNS lookups later on.

  • Bugfix: Spurious and incorrect ""!! SRV xxx"" messages will no longer appear in the logs when the reason
    is normal context cancellation.

  • Bugfix: Single label names now resolves correctly when using Telepresence in Docker on a Linux host

  • Bugfix: The Helm chart value appProtocolStrategy is now correctly named (used to be appPortStategy)


Oct. 15, 2022, midnight
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