Telepresence - 2.12.0

(March 20, 2023)

  • Feature: Telepresence can now start or connect to a daemon in a docker container by use of the global --docker flag.

  • Feature: Adds an authenticator package to support integration with the client-go credential plugins when the
    daemon runs in a docker container.

  • Feature: The telepresence helm command now accepts a --namespace flag.

  • Change: Telepresence will now detect if services and pods are routable, independently of one another, before adding their routes. This is a change from before, when being already able to connect to pods prevented the addition of routes for services too.

  • Bugfix: The traffic-manager will no longer panic when the CNAME of kubernetes.default doesn't contain .svc.

  • Bugfix: The telepresence helm install/upgrade --set family of flags now work correctly with comma separated values.


March 20, 2023, midnight
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