Cilium - v1.15.1

We are pleased to release Cilium v1.15.1. This release contains various bug fixes and improvements, including a fix for a regression where veth devices were incorrectly getting classified as native devices (

Summary of Changes

Minor Changes:
* Enhance trace events from the outbound SNAT path, to report the pre-SNAT IP address and the interface index of the egress interface. (Backport PR #30704, Upstream PR #28723, @julianwiedmann)
* ui: release v0.13.0 (Backport PR #30727, Upstream PR #30711, @geakstr)

* envoy: Change socket option from 'STATE_LISTENING' to 'STATE_PREBIND' (Backport PR #30681, Upstream PR #30543, @chaunceyjiang)
* Fix bug in indexing of routes that lead to veth devices being considered native devices, which caused the wrong BPF program to be loaded onto them. (Backport PR #30767, Upstream PR #30762, @dylandreimerink)
* fix edge case in node addressing logic which could result in a panic (Backport PR #30767, Upstream PR #30757, @dylandreimerink)
* hive: Fix start hook log output (Backport PR #30727, Upstream PR #30712, @joamaki)
* Updating ENI prefix delegation fallback to use dedicated error codes (Backport PR #30681, Upstream PR #30536, @hemanthmalla)

CI Changes:
* ci: add trigger phrase to Gateway API conformance test workflow name (Backport PR #30681, Upstream PR #30525, @tklauser)
* CI: Change cloud regions (Backport PR #30681, Upstream PR #30378, @brlbil)
* ci: Fix PR labels parsing in update label workflow (Backport PR #30681, Upstream PR #30507, @pippolo84)
* gh: ci-verifier: use lvh-images/complexity-test as renovate dependency (Backport PR #30681, Upstream PR #30520, @julianwiedmann)
* gha: additionally cover BPF masquerade in clustermesh E2E tests (Backport PR #30681, Upstream PR #30321, @giorio94)
* gha: make runner type for clustermesh workflows configurable (Backport PR #30681, Upstream PR #30496, @giorio94)
* Update GitHub upload-artifact action (Backport PR #30681, Upstream PR #30443, @brlbil)
* workflows: Clean IPsec test output (Backport PR #30767, Upstream PR #30759, @pchaigno)

Misc Changes:
* Added Last page Edit on Documentation (Backport PR #30681, Upstream PR #30612, @gailsuccess)
* bgpv1: remove BGP Controller from daemon cell (Backport PR #30767, Upstream PR #30561, @harsimran-pabla)
* chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.15) (patch) (#30486, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update all kind-images main (v1.15) (patch) (#30670, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update dependency cilium/cilium-cli to v0.15.21 (v1.15) (#30570, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update dependency cilium/cilium-cli to v0.15.22 (v1.15) (#30671, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update stable lvh-images (v1.15) (patch) (#30574, @renovate[bot])
* dep: Bump grpc_health_probe to v0.4.24 (Backport PR #30704, Upstream PR #30643, @ferozsalam)
* docs: Document XfrmInStateInvalid errors (Backport PR #30767, Upstream PR #30151, @pchaigno)
* egressgw: improvements for FIB-driven redirect path (Backport PR #30681, Upstream PR #30576, @julianwiedmann)
* Fix failure in FuzzDenyPreferredInsert test (Backport PR #30681, Upstream PR #30368, @christarazi)

Other Changes:
* [v1.15] ci/ipsec: Fix downgrade version for release preparation commits (#30718, @qmonnet)
* envoy: Bump envoy version to v1.27.3 (#30696, @sayboras)
* install: Update image digests for v1.15.0 (#30559, @aanm)


Docker Manifests


Feb. 15, 2024, 1:16 a.m.
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