Cilium - v1.12.14

We are pleased to release Cilium v1.12.14.

Known IPsec related issues have been fixed. We encourage users to test this release and report any potentially remaining issues.

Summary of Changes

* bpf: lxc: support Pod->Service->Pod hairpinning with endpoint routes (Backport PR #27980, Upstream PR #27798, @ti-mo)
* Fix a bug that affected the RevDNAT translation of IPv6 packets with extension headers. (Backport PR #27394, Upstream PR #27312, @julianwiedmann)
* Fix a bug that could cause an incorrect max. sequence number to be reported by cilium encrypt status when IPsec is enabled. (Backport PR #27934, Upstream PR #27656, @pchaigno)
* Fix bug limiting pod-to-pod network performance under high load when tunneling and IPSec are both enabled. (Backport PR #27394, Upstream PR #27168, @learnitall)
* Fix bug that could cause packet drops of type XfrmOutPolBlock while rotating the IPsec key. (Backport PR #27588, Upstream PR #27319, @jrfastab)
* Fix connectivity issues caused by missing conntrack entry when service pod connects to itself via clusterIP. (Backport PR #27980, Upstream PR #27602, @julianwiedmann)
* IPSec fix for race on init resulting in XfrmIn errors and dropped packets (Backport PR #28029, Upstream PR #28012, @jrfastab)
* k8s: Restrict configuring reserved:init policy via CNP (Backport PR #28040, Upstream PR #28007, @joestringer)
* Prioritization of which DNS mappings to keep was suboptimal, leading to evictions of mappings related to alive connections, worsening performance of fqdn policies and causing spurious logging. (Backport PR #27934, Upstream PR #27572, @bimmlerd)
* proxy: Ignore visibility annotation if proxy is disabled (Backport PR #27660, Upstream PR #27597, @sayboras)

CI Changes:
* .github/workflows: unify time to wait for images to become available (Backport PR #27934, Upstream PR #27706, @tklauser)
* Add missing ariane trigger phrases (Backport PR #27980, Upstream PR #27822, @tklauser)
* ci-ipsec-upgrade: Bump CLI to v0.15.5 (Backport PR #27394, Upstream PR #27230, @brb)
* ci-ipsec-upgrade: Skip upon test/Documentation changes (Backport PR #27744, Upstream PR #27644, @brb)
* ci: remove unavailable K8s 1.22 from GKE config (Backport PR #27394, Upstream PR #27365, @mhofstetter)
* CI: Rename workflow names (Backport PR #27744, Upstream PR #27391, @brlbil)
* CI: Update tested k8s version for aks (Backport PR #27660, Upstream PR #27457, @brlbil)
* gh/workflows: Use cilium-config action in ci-ipsec-upgrade (Backport PR #27934, Upstream PR #27359, @brb)
* ingress: Add conformance test for KPR=false (Backport PR #27980, Upstream PR #27304, @sayboras)

Misc Changes:
* chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4 (v1.12) (#27950, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.12) (minor) (#27787, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update all lvh-images main (v1.12) (patch) (#27785, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials action to v3 (v1.12) (#27788, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update cilium/coccicheck docker tag to v2.4 (v1.12) (#27949, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update dependency ubuntu to v22 (v1.12) (#27789, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update docker tag to v3.16.7 (v1.12) (#27786, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update docker tag to v1.20.7 (v1.12) (#27487, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update docker tag to v1.20.8 (v1.12) (#27992, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update docker digest to 33a5cc2 (v1.12) (#27338, @renovate[bot])
* docs: Document DROP_NO_NODE_ID for IPsec (Backport PR #27394, Upstream PR #27184, @pchaigno)
* docs: Fix config option for spelling filters (Backport PR #27660, Upstream PR #27537, @qmonnet)
* docs: Fix Documentation Makefile to make Helm reference updates compatible with macOS (Backport PR #27660, Upstream PR #27495, @ishuar)
* docs: Harmonise references to Cilium Slack (Backport PR #27832, Upstream PR #27346, @qmonnet)
* docs: Have Makefile print generated image tags when running with V=0 (Backport PR #27394, Upstream PR #27250, @qmonnet)
* docs: update L7 traffic CiliumClusterwideEnvoyConfig example (Backport PR #27660, Upstream PR #27409, @tanjunchen)
* docs: Update the microservices-demo link (Backport PR #27934, Upstream PR #27814, @haiyuewa)
* Update Cilium certgen from v0.1.8 to v0.1.9 (Backport PR #27660, Upstream PR #27511, @rolinh)

Other Changes:
* [1.12] test: add namespace name in pod metadata test (#28034, @nebril)
* doc: Migrate to .readthedocs.yaml configuration file v2 (#27569, @doniacld)
* install: Update image digests for v1.12.13 (#27501, @asauber)


Sept. 15, 2023, 5:41 p.m.
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