Cilium - v1.13.13


We are pleased to release Cilium v1.13.13.

Security Advisories

This patch release addresses security vulnerabilities. See the following security advisories
for details.



This patch release includes significant changes for the IPsec stack, to resolve issues for connections that are selected by a L7 Network Policy or a DNS Policy.

Such connections may experience disruption during the upgrade, in particular in configurations with overlay routing mode.

Summary of Changes

* Fixes an L7 proxy issue by re-introducing 2005 route table. (Backport PR #31161, Upstream PR #29530, @jschwinger233)
* Fixes proxy issues by opting out from SNAT for L7 + Tunnel. (Backport PR #31161, Upstream PR #29594, @jschwinger233)
* Fixes proxy issues in egress direction (Backport PR #31161, Upstream PR #30095, @jschwinger233)

CI Changes:
* ci/ipsec: Fix downgrade version retrieval (Backport PR #31049, Upstream PR #30742, @qmonnet)
* ci: Enhance test execution security by restricting permissions to the 'organization-members' team (Backport PR #30865, Upstream PR #30790, @brlbil)
* CI: Update tested K8S versions across all cloud providers (Backport PR #30865, Upstream PR #30795, @brlbil)
* Fix datapath mode in Network Performance CI test (Backport PR #30865, Upstream PR #30756, @marseel)
* specify the CNI version (Backport PR #31246, Upstream PR #31182, @aanm)
* workflows: Clean IPsec test output (Backport PR #30801, Upstream PR #30759, @pchaigno)

Misc Changes:
* bpf: host: skip from-proxy handling in from-netdev (Backport PR #31161, Upstream PR #29962, @julianwiedmann)
* bpf: l3: restore MARK_MAGIC_PROXY_INGRESS for from-proxy traffic (Backport PR #31161, Upstream PR #29721, @julianwiedmann)
* bugtool: Capture memory fragmentation info from /proc (Backport PR #31157, Upstream PR #30966, @pchaigno)
* Bump (v1.13) (#31312, @ferozsalam)
* Change ariane config CODEOWNERS (Backport PR #30865, Upstream PR #30803, @brlbil)
* chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.13) (#30957, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.13) (#31115, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.13) (#31298, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update all github action dependencies to v4 (v1.13) (major) (#30783, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update all-dependencies (v1.13) (#30955, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update docker digest to 77906da (v1.13) (#31295, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update docker digest to e9569c2 (v1.13) (#30737, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update go to v1.21.7 (v1.13) (#30956, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update go to v1.21.8 (v1.13) (#31185, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update hubble cli to v0.13.2 (v1.13) (#31340, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update kindest/node docker tag to v1.27.11 (v1.13) (#31141, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update docker tag to v6.6-20240221.111541 (v1.13) (#30982, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update stable lvh-images (v1.13) (patch) (#30812, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update stable lvh-images (v1.13) (patch) (#31142, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update stable lvh-images (v1.13) (patch) (#31296, @renovate[bot])
* docs: Document XfrmInStateInvalid errors (Backport PR #30801, Upstream PR #30151, @pchaigno)
* docs: Fix 'kubectl exec' invocations (quotes, double dash separator) in example script (Backport PR #31157, Upstream PR #30462, @saintdle)
* images: bump cni plugins to v1.4.1 (#31350, @aanm)
* pkg: proxy: only install from-proxy rules/routes for native routing (Backport PR #31161, Upstream PR #29761, @julianwiedmann)

Other Changes:
* [v1.13] envoy: Bump golang version to 1.21.8 (#31223, @sayboras)
* install: Update image digests for v1.13.12 (#30753, @michi-covalent)


Security wording was detected, but no CVEs were found.


March 15, 2024, 4:14 p.m.
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