Cilium - v1.13.9

We are pleased to release Cilium v1.13.9. This release includes several network policy performance improvements, improvements and fixes for IPSec, and numerous bug fixes and architectural improvements.

Summary of Changes

Minor Changes:
* Cilium DNS proxy now uses the original pod's address as the source address towards the DNS servers. (Backport PR #29089, Upstream PR #28928, @jrajahalme)
* Cilium now properly deletes stale (deleted) nodes from the node_connectivity_status and node_connectivity_latency_seconds metrics, reducing metric cardinality. (Backport PR #28932, Upstream PR #28382, @derailed)
* Display interfaces used for IPsec decryption in cilium encrypt status. (Backport PR #28761, Upstream PR #28640, @pchaigno)
* ipsec: New Prometheus metrics for XFRM configs (Backport PR #28761, Upstream PR #28400, @pchaigno)
* policy: Fixed a bug that incorrectly omitted port-protocol policy rules that omitted the "protocol" field. An omitted "protocol" field now, correctly, is the same as using the "ANY" protocol. (Backport PR #28761, Upstream PR #28703, @nathanjsweet)

* [v1.13] Remove remote-node labels from ipcache on node delete (#28972, @tklauser)
* bpf: Add TC_ACT_REDIRECT check for nodeport (Backport PR #29034, Upstream PR #28927, @sayboras)
* envoy: fix lb backend endpoint calculation (Backport PR #28877, Upstream PR #27923, @mhofstetter)
* Fix CIDR labels computation (Backport PR #28877, Upstream PR #28788, @pippolo84)
* Fix IPsec error logs to always have all information needed to identify the XFRM configuration on which the error happened. (Backport PR #29034, Upstream PR #28642, @pchaigno)
* When the CT entry for a DSR connection is garbage-collected, the corresponding SNAT entry is now also removed. (Backport PR #28877, Upstream PR #28857, @julianwiedmann)

CI Changes:
* [v1.13] Use pull_request_target in Update Backport Label workflow (#29011, @pippolo84)
* gh/workflows: Dump Cilium LB node logs in case of failure (Backport PR #29034, Upstream PR #28808, @brb)
* Test both VXLAN and GENEVE tunneling as part of the Conformance Cluster Mesh workflow (Backport PR #28877, Upstream PR #28767, @giorio94)

Misc Changes:
* bpf: lb: fix missing drop reason in reverse_map_l4_port() (Backport PR #29034, Upstream PR #28884, @julianwiedmann)
* bpf: lxc: remove stale ENABLE_IDENTITY_MARK ifdefs (Backport PR #28761, Upstream PR #28391, @julianwiedmann)
* bugtool: Collect XFRM error counters twice (Backport PR #28877, Upstream PR #28790, @pchaigno)
* chore(deps): update docker tag to v1.20.11 (v1.13) (#29041, @renovate[bot])
* datapath: Move linuxNodeHandler IPsec functions to their own file (Backport PR #29034, Upstream PR #28941, @pchaigno)
* docs: Clarify BPF Map Pressure Metric (Backport PR #28761, Upstream PR #28682, @nathanjsweet)
* docs: Update IPsec key rotation command (Backport PR #28761, Upstream PR #28141, @jschwinger233)
* go.mod, vendor: use fork directly (Backport PR #29089, Upstream PR #27582, @tklauser)
* ipsec: Improve encrypt flush command (Backport PR #29034, Upstream PR #28795, @pchaigno)
* ipsec: Remove dead code for IPsec node encryption (Backport PR #29034, Upstream PR #28898, @pchaigno)
* labels/cidr: Memoize labels for already seen prefixes (Backport PR #28877, Upstream PR #28465, @pippolo84)
* labels/cidr: On the fly char replacement for IPv6 (Backport PR #28950, Upstream PR #28647, @pippolo84)
* labels: Use slices.Sort instead of sort.Strings (Backport PR #28950, Upstream PR #28649, @pippolo84)

Other Changes:
* [v1.13] Always migrate cilium_calls_* during ELF load (#28829, @ti-mo)
* [v1.13] backports 2023-10-25 (#28776, @sayboras)
* [v1.13] envoy: Bump version to v1.26.6 (#28854, @sayboras)
* [v1.13] envoy: Update envoy version to 1.25.x (#28331, @sayboras)
* install: Update image digests for v1.13.8 (#28636, @jrajahalme)


Nov. 14, 2023, 1:35 p.m.
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