Cilium - v1.13.10


We are pleased to release Cilium v1.13.10.

This release include expanded SA credential and resource limit related configuration parameters for the Agent DaemonSet, fixes to an issue where stale nodes would appear in the cilium_node_connectivity_* metrics, enhancements to the detail shown by the IPsec CLI subcommands, a fix to a datapath fix for SNAT running behind multiple network interfaces, and a fix to NAT entry GC when DSR enabled. In addition, there are performance enhancements to concurrency techniques used in policy generation and the selectorcache read/write path.

Summary of Changes

Minor Changes:
* helm: Add missing SA automount configuration (Backport PR #29690, Upstream PR #29511, @ayuspin)
* helm: Add SA to nodeinit ds (Backport PR #29690, Upstream PR #24836, @darox)
* helm: Allow setting resources for the agent init containers (Backport PR #29690, Upstream PR #29610, @ayuspin)

* Avoid missed tail calls due to inserting policy programs too early during endpoint regeneration (#29309, @ti-mo)
* ctmap: consider CT entry's .dsr flag in PurgeOrphanNATEntries() (Backport PR #29640, Upstream PR #29098, @julianwiedmann)
* datapath: Fix ENI egress routing table for cilium_host IP (Backport PR #29391, Upstream PR #29335, @gandro)
* Fix bug where deleted nodes would reappear in the cilium_node_connectivity_* metrics (Backport PR #29640, Upstream PR #29566, @christarazi)
* Handle non-AEAD IPsec keys in cilium encrypt status. (Backport PR #29640, Upstream PR #29182, @viktor-kurchenko)
* Replace Cilium's base image from ubuntu:22.04 with Cilium's Runtime image (also ubuntu:22.04 based). (Backport PR #29709, Upstream PR #29340, @aanm)
* Support downgrade path for XDP attachments from Cilium 1.15 (#29105, @ti-mo)
* When using stacked network interfaces (such as br0 -> eth0) in the egress path, ensure that BPF SNAT checks are applied on all interfaces. (Backport PR #29475, Upstream PR #29160, @julianwiedmann)

CI Changes:
* ci-ipsec-upgrade: Check for errors (Backport PR #29272, Upstream PR #29189, @brb)
* ci-ipsec-upgrade: Fix upgrade/downgrade path and add missed tail calls check to upgrade (Backport PR #29003, Upstream PR #29072, @brb)
* CI: Let actions/cilium-config use Chart.yaml-specified image by default (Backport PR #29003, Upstream PR #28016, @jschwinger233)
* Clean up tests-ipsec-upgrade workflow (Backport PR #29003, Upstream PR #27977, @michi-covalent)
* gha: align ci-ipsec-e2e workflow name to main (#29687, @giorio94)
* Test upgrade/downgrade to patch release for IPsec (Backport PR #29003, Upstream PR #28815, @qmonnet)
* Wait for downgrade images to be ready in GHA clustermesh upgrade/downgrade test (Backport PR #29475, Upstream PR #29409, @giorio94)
* workflows: Add debug info to IPsec key rotation test (Backport PR #29475, Upstream PR #29353, @pchaigno)

Misc Changes:
* .github: use GitHub workflow from the same branch (#29256, @aanm)
* chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4 (v1.13) (#29287, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.13) (minor) (#29286, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v1.13) (patch) (#29139, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update all lvh-images main (v1.13) (patch) (#29150, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update all lvh-images main (v1.13) (patch) (#29419, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update docker tag to v1.20.12 (v1.13) (#29661, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update docker digest to 77e4e42 (v1.13) (#29285, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update docker digest to 2b7412e (v1.13) (#29138, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update hubble cli to v0.12.3 (v1.13) (patch) (#29747, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action action to v2 (v1.13) (#29289, @renovate[bot])
* ci-ipsec-upgrade: Do not run conn tests after installing Cilium (Backport PR #29192, Upstream PR #29178, @brb)
* Docs: Adds Webhook Limitation to EKS Install Doc (Backport PR #29640, Upstream PR #29497, @danehans)
* examples: update guestbook example with new image registry (Backport PR #29640, Upstream PR #29603, @mhofstetter)
* Fix bug preventing endpoint-related debug logs from being emitted (Backport PR #29700, Upstream PR #29495, @learnitall)
* images: bump cni plugins to v1.4.0 (Backport PR #29723, Upstream PR #29622, @squeed)
* ipsec: Small refactorings on key loading and state creation (Backport PR #29475, Upstream PR #29352, @pchaigno)
* Update the logrus dependency to address a security issue. (#29672, @rolinh)

Other Changes:
* [1.13] Address selectorcache concurrent read/write (#29186, @tklauser)
* [v1.13] Let renovatebot update Go toolchain version in a single PR (#29743, @tklauser)
* envoy: Bump cilium-envoy with golang 1.21.5 (#29655, @sayboras)
* envoy: Bump envoy container image with golang 1.21 and latest grpc package (#29384, @sayboras)
* install: Update image digests for v1.13.9 (#29136, @nathanjsweet)
* Revert "dnsproxy: Use original source address in connections to dns servers" to fix performance regression. (#29206, @thorn3r)
* v1.13: ariane: Run ci-ipsec-upgrade when testing backports (#29227, @brb)


Security wording was detected, but no CVEs were found.


Dec. 14, 2023, 2:44 a.m.
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