Cilium - v1.14.0-rc.0

Summary of Changes

Minor Changes:
* Add a new set of flags for CES work queue limit and burst rates, CESWriteQPSLimit to andCESWriteQPSBurst. (#24675, @dlapcevic) The processed work queue items always trigger a single CES create, update or write request to the kube-apiserver. The work queue rate limiting effectively limits the rate of writes to the kube-apiserver for CES api objects. * Set the defaultCESWriteQPSLimitto10andCESWriteQPSBurstto20. (#24675, @dlapcevic) * Set the maximums for qps50and burst100. These values cannot be exceeded regardless of any configuration. (#24675, @dlapcevic) * UnhideCESMaxCEPsInCESandCESSlicingModeflags from appearing in logs whenCES` is enabled. (#24675, @dlapcevic)
* agent/helm: Deprecate --kpr=partial|strict|disabled and use --kpr=true|false instead (#26036, @brb)
* Allow to use a Secret for the caBundle (#25728, @farcaller)
* BGPv1: Set N-bit in graceful restart capability negotiation. (#26325, @harsimran-pabla)
* Cilium now waits longer before returning a failure in the event of a pod creation burst. (#25805, @squeed)
* envoy: Use embedded proxylib from cilium-proxy image (#26101, @sayboras)
* metrics: Add k8s client rate limiter latency metric (#25555, @ysksuzuki)
* Retire Cilium-Integrated Istio documentation (#25722, @networkop)
* Revert "Revert agent/helm: Deprecate --kpr=partial|strict|disabled and use --kpr=true|false instead" (#26496, @brb)

* bpf: ct: fix CT-based packet tracing for IPv6 (#26476, @julianwiedmann)
* Bypassing policy check for IPv6 NDP to fix broken pod-to-pod connectivity when per-endpoint route is enabled with policy. (#24919, @jschwinger233)
* CIDRGroup reference metric will not count nonexistent CIDRGroups (#26133, @akstron)
* datapath: bigtcp: Fix the IPv4 BIG TCP may not work (#26336, @haiyuewa)
* Fix a bug where datapath option DisableSipVerification can no longer be used. (#25533, @oblazek)
* Fix bug in AlibabaCloud where instance type limits could not be determined (#25387, @haozhangami)
* Fix bug where CNI gets installed even if cni.install=false (#26278, @joestringer)
* Fix compilation error when enabling Wireguard and XDP (#25734, @ysksuzuki)
* Fix crash of cilium-agent happening when a remote node without node IP addresses is removed. (#25851, @cyclinder)
* Fix: Return "Content-Type" and "X-Content-Type-Options" headers from Health Check Node Port (#26458, @cezarygerard)
* Handles nodeIP changes when CEPs are checkpointed to tmpfs and the nodeIP changes across a reboot. (#26281, @bprashanth)
* ipsec: Split removeStaleXFRMOnce to fix deprioritization issue (#26113, @jschwinger233)
* iptables: Fix wrong use of podCIDR in cluster node NAT exclusion (#26397, @gandro)
* Keep sync on deployed proxy ports when retrying proxy redirect creation. (#26343, @jrajahalme)
* nat: fix usage in nat.h of csum.h module (#25576, @sahid)
* test/controlplane: Disable endpoint GC (#26383, @pippolo84)
* test: bigtcp: Update the BIG TCP checking message (#26377, @haiyuewa)
* Updates TransformXXX Functions in k8s pkg (#26244, @danehans)

CI Changes:
* .github/workflows: let renovate update kind in ingress workflow (#26390, @tklauser)
* Add BPF unit tests for IPsec (#25699, @jschwinger233)
* Add container image scanning to Cilium images. (#26489, @ferozsalam)
* bpf: egressgw: refactor unit tests (#26376, @jibi)
* bpf: tests: pktgen infra for tunneling + GENEVE-DSR test (#26301, @julianwiedmann)
* CI Workflow: Add all AWS supported k8s versions (#26361, @brlbil)
* CI Workflow: Add all Azure supported k8s versions (#26356, @brlbil)
* CI Workflow: Add all GKE supported k8s version (#26364, @brlbil)
* CI Workflows: Fix matrix generation (#26406, @brlbil)
* CI Workflows: Fix sysdump file creation (#26402, @brlbil)
* CI Workflows: Fix sysdump name typo (#26415, @brlbil)
* ci-aks, ci-external-workloads: Use cilium-cli Helm mode (#26382, @michi-covalent)
* ci-e2e: Bump CLI version to v0.14.8 (#26475, @brb)
* ci-verifier: run verifier tests directly on VM instead of containerized (#26509, @ti-mo)
* ci: Add workflow for testing multi-pool IPAM (#26175, @gandro)
* CI: run integration-tests on test changes in PRs (#26405, @marseel)
* docs: Run rstcheck on the README.rst (#26454, @qmonnet)
* gateway-api: Add tests for standard CRD (#26372, @sayboras)
* gateway-api: Enable HTTPRouteListenerHostnameMatching test (#26226, @sayboras)
* gha: enable debug logs in conformance-clustermesh workflows (#26186, @giorio94)
* gha: test kvstoremesh in conformance-clustermesh (#26223, @giorio94)
* gha: test the different auth modes in conformance-clustermesh (#26252, @giorio94)
* Make CI test resources unique for retries. (#25990, @viktor-kurchenko)
* renovate: ignore ginkgo updates (#26423, @tklauser)
* Set CILIUM_CLI_MODE env variable at the top level (#26387, @michi-covalent)
* Set CILIUM_CLI_MODE env variable at the top level (#26404, @michi-covalent)
* test: Fix the attempted fix for the hostfw flake (#26362, @pchaigno)

Misc Changes:
* Add Back Market in the USERS list (#26413, @NitriKx)
* Add cilium bpf nodeid list to bugtool and print nodeid in hex in ipcache dump (#26130, @brb)
* Add documentation about kvstoremesh (#26348, @giorio94)
* Adding an AWS architecture diagram for AWS FTR review (#26016, @amitmavgupta)
* auth: delete cache-entry on ErrKeyNotExist (#26342, @mhofstetter)
* auth: display textual representation of auth type in authKey.String() (#26525, @mhofstetter)
* backporting: Fix pattern to handle commit subjects that begin with a space (#25653, @gentoo-root)
* BGP CP: Adds Intro to Docs (#26195, @danehans)
* bgpv1: pass router state to gobgp (#26194, @harsimran-pabla)
* bgpv1: skip invalid node selector config in policy selection (#26365, @harsimran-pabla)
* bpf: add new macro __section_entry (#26123, @Jack-R-lantern)
* bpf: nat: fix build error in snat_v6_prepare_state() (#26510, @julianwiedmann)
* bpf: remove unused type ProgType and ProgType* consts (#26360, @tklauser)
* bpf: Update IPv6 BPF masquerading code to bring it closer to IPv4's, fix SNAT for packets from local endpoints, for overlay (#26236, @qmonnet)
* Calling out support for Single-Region, Multi-Region, Multi-AZ for EKS (#26015, @amitmavgupta)
* Change wording on toServices limitations (see #20067) (#25796, @atykhyy)
* chore(deps): update actions/setup-go action to v4.0.1 (main) (#26313, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (main) (minor) (#26306, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (main) (patch) (#26425, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update dependency cilium/cilium-cli to v0.14.8 (main) (#26482, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update dependency kubernetes-sigs/kind to v0.20.0 (main) (#26428, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update docker tag to v3.18.2 (main) (#26297, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update docker tag to v1.20.5 (main) (#26304, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update docker digest to 8f958bf (main) (#26283, @renovate[bot])
* chore(deps): update docker digest to 9ecc53c (main) (#26285, @renovate[bot])
* cilium statedb dump command & bugtool (#26256, @joamaki)
* cilium, bigtcp: Add max gso/gro rates to sysdump (#26392, @borkmann)
* cilium, bigtcp: Make probing for GRO/GSO max size more graceful (#26385, @borkmann)
* cilium: enable bpf host routing with per endpoint routes for IPv6 as well (#26205, @borkmann)
* cilium: Repoint netlink lib back to upstream. (#26359, @borkmann)
* clustermesh: fix broken test due to merge race (#26389, @giorio94)
* clustermesh: improve reliability of TestClusterMesh (#26370, @giorio94)
* cni-plugin: Clean up code (#26505, @gandro)
* daemon: fix spelling in ipam-multi-pool-pre-allocation flag usage (#26529, @tklauser)
* datapath: Introduce helpers for __ctx_is checks (#23820, @spacewander)
* docs: clarify that L3 DNS policies require L7 proxy enabled (#26180, @wedaly)
* docs: Fix the cilium-cli default branch name (#26461, @michi-covalent)
* docs: Fix the cilium/proxy default branch name (#26464, @learnitall)
* docs: Mark IPv6 BPF masquerading as beta (#26499, @qmonnet)
* docs: reword incorrect L7 policy description (#26092, @peterj)
* docs: Update kvstore documentation with potential circular dependency. (#26353, @marseel)
* docu: add section about envoy daemonset deployment (#26033, @mhofstetter)
* Document multi-pool IPAM mode (#26308, @tklauser)
* Documentation: Add graceful restart section in BGP documentation (#26354, @harsimran-pabla)
* endpoint: don't hold the endpoint lock while generating policy (#26242, @squeed)
* envoy: Re-organize supported envoy resource import (#26469, @sayboras)
* etcd: start the status checker only after establishing the initial session (#26363, @giorio94)
* Fix some map handling logic as well as some issues with CLI commands related to ip-masq-agent, introduced with IPv6 support (#26435, @qmonnet)
* fix(deps): update all go dependencies main (main) (minor) (#26429, @renovate[bot])
* fix(deps): update all go dependencies main (main) (patch) (#26056, @renovate[bot])
* fix(deps): update all go dependencies main (main) (patch) (#26427, @renovate[bot])
* fix(deps): update module to v0.11.0 (main) (#26319, @renovate[bot])
* helm: add .extraEnv to cilium-agents config init container (#26408, @nberlee)
* identity: Make identity allocations observable (#26373, @mhofstetter)
* Improve reliability of kvstore-related tests (#26347, @giorio94)
* kafka: remove unused package (#26523, @tklauser)
* kvstore: share etcd client logger to reduce memory usage (#26485, @giorio94)
* kvstoremesh: mark the cilium-kvstoremesh secret as optional in the clustermesh-apiserver volume definition (#26318, @giorio94)
* Log error message on unhealthy /healthz check (#24683, @sjdot)
* plugins/cilium-cni: clean up code in cmdAdd (#26533, @tklauser)
* policy: Optimize getNets() (#26345, @jrajahalme)
* Prepare for release v1.14.0-snapshot.4 (#26324, @joestringer)
* Publish the 2022 Cilium security audits (#26213, @zacharysarah)
* README: Bump latest snapshot release version (#26326, @joestringer)
* Remove 'ip' shellout from setUpRoutingTable() (#26486, @ti-mo)
* Require binary.Size and unsafe.Sizeof of all types to match (#26340, @ti-mo)
* Revert "agent/helm: Deprecate --kpr=partial|strict|disabled and use --kpr=true|false instead" (#26493, @joestringer)
* This moves from the autogenerated badge from the deprecated slackin system hosted on heroku, to just a simple generated badge. (#26416, @thebsdbox)
* This moves from the larger default code spaces logo, to a smaller logo in keeping with all existing links in the README. (#26417, @thebsdbox)
* treewide: fix some shebangs (#26293, @markpash)
* vendor: Update vishvananda/netlink/ and x/sys (#26410, @borkmann)


June 29, 2023, 12:04 a.m.
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