cert-manager - v1.14.3

cert-manager is the easiest way to automatically manage certificates in Kubernetes and OpenShift clusters.

cert-manager 1.14 brings a variety of features, security improvements and bug fixes, including: support for creating X.509 certificates with "Other Name" fields, and support for creating CA certificates with "Name Constraints" and "Authority Information Accessors" extensions.

⚠️ Known Issues

  • ACME Issuer (Let's Encrypt): wrong certificate chain may be used if preferredChain is configured: see release docs for more info and mitigations
  • cainjector leaderelection is incorrectly disabled by default because the flag/ config option defaults are missing (https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/pull/6819)

ℹ️ Documentation

Release notes
Upgrade notes
Installation instructions

🔧 Breaking changes

See Breaking changes in v1.14.0 release notes

📜 Changes since v1.14.2

Bug or Regression

  • BUGFIX: Fixes issue with JSON-logging, where only a subset of the log messages were output as JSON. (#6781, @jetstack-bot)
  • BUGFIX: LiteralSubjects with a #= value can result in memory issues due to faulty BER parser (github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber). (#6774, @jetstack-bot)


Feb. 23, 2024, 10:49 a.m.
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