cert-manager - v1.14.0-beta.0

cert-manager is the easiest way to automatically manage certificates in Kubernetes and OpenShift clusters.

This is the first beta release of cert-manager 1.14, which will be released on January 31 2024.

Breaking Changes

The startupapicheck job uses a new OCI image called "startupapicheck", instead of the ctl image.
If you run in an environment in which images cannot be pulled, be sure to include the new image.

The KeyUsage and BasicConstraints extensions will now be encoded as critical in the CertificateRequest's CSR blob.

Release Notes

📖 Read the draft cert-manager 1.14 release notes.

Changes Since v1.14.0-alpha.1

Other (Cleanup or Flake)

  • The cert-manager E2E tests can now be run on Kubernetes 1.29 (#6641, @wallrj)


  • Support custom spec.namespaceSelector for webhooks (#6638, @jkroepke)


Jan. 22, 2024, 3:27 p.m.
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