cert-manager - v1.13.0-alpha.0

Welcome to the first alpha of the coming 1.13 release! In this release, you will be able to test the new DNS-over-HTTPS feature.

This new feature, developed by @FlorianLiebhart, allows you to use cert-manager's Let's Encrypt issuer even when UDP port 53 isn't open on egress. DNS-over-HTTPS allows you to use the environment variable HTTPS_PROXY in the cert-manager controller deployment so that cert-manager can work over a proxy, working around the egress limitations!

That We will soon update the documentation of cert-manager to explain the use-cases and how to set it up. More info is available in the design document at https://hackmd.io/@maelvls/cert-manager-dns-01-using-dns-over-https. A massive thank you to @FlorianLiebhart for his hard work: this work was started one year ago! 🎉

🌟 This version is a pre-release version intended for testing. It might not be suitable for production uses.

Changes since 1.12


  • DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is now possible for doing the self-checks during the ACME verification.
    The DNS check method to be used is controlled through the command line flag: --dns01-recursive-nameservers-only=true in combination with --dns01-recursive-nameservers=https://<DoH-endpoint> (e.g. It keeps using DNS lookup as a default method. The design document is visible here: https://hackmd.io/@maelvls/cert-manager-dns-01-using-dns-over-https (#5003, @FlorianLiebhart)
  • cmctl can now be imported by third parties. (#6049, @SgtCoDFish)

Bug or Regression

  • cmctl check api --wait 0 exited without output and exit code 1; we now make sure we perform the API check at least once and return with the correct error code (#6109, @inteon)
  • The issuer and certificate-name annotations on a Secret were incorrectly updated when other fields are changed. (#6147, @inteon)
  • Fix CloudDNS issuers stuck in propagation check, when multiple instances are issuing for the same FQDN (#6088, @cypres)
  • Fixes a bug where webhook was pulling in controller's feature gates.
    ⚠️ ⚠️ BREAKING ⚠️ ⚠️ : If you deploy cert-manager using helm and have .featureGates value set, the features defined there will no longer be passed to cert-manager webhook, only to cert-manager controller. Use webhook.featureGates field instead to define features to be enabled on webhook.
    Potentially breaking: If you were, for some reason, passing cert-manager controller's features to webhook's --feature-gates flag, this will now break (unless the webhook actually has a feature by that name). (#6093, @irbekrm)

Other (Cleanup or Flake)

  • Don't run API Priority and Fairness controller in webhook's extension apiserver (#6085, @irbekrm)
  • Updates Kubernetes libraries to v0.27.2. (#6077, @lucacome)


  • All service links in helm chart deployments have been disabled. (#6144, @schrodit)
  • Make apis/acme/v1/ACMEIssuer.PreferredChain optional in JSON serialization. (#6034, @gdvalle)
  • We disabled the enableServiceLinks option for our ACME http solver pods, because the option caused the pod to be in a crash loop in a cluster with lot of services. (#6143, @schrodit)


June 20, 2023, 6:15 p.m.
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