cert-manager - v1.10.2


cert-manager is the easiest way to automatically manage certificates in Kubernetes and OpenShift clusters.

v1.10.2 is primarily a performance enhancement release which might reduce memory consumption by up to 50% in some cases thanks to some brilliant work by @irbekrm! :tada:

It also patches several vulnerabilities reported by scanners and updates the base images used for cert-manager containers. In addition, it removes a potentially confusing log line which had been introduced in v1.10.0 which implied that an error had occurred when using external issuers even though there'd been no error.

Changes since v1.10.1


  • Enable support for Kubernetes 1.26 in tests (#5647, @SgtCoDFish)

Bug or Regression

  • Fixes a bug where the cert-manager controller was caching all Secrets twice (#5704, @irbekrm)
  • Bump helm version to fix CVE-2022-23525 (#5676, @SgtCoDFish)
  • Don't log errors relating to selfsigned issuer checks for external issuers (#5687, @SgtCoDFish)
  • Fix golang.org/x/text vulnerability (#5592, @SgtCoDfish)
  • Upgrade golang/x/net to fix CVE-2022-41717 (#5635, @SgtCoDFish)
  • Upgrade to go 1.19.4 to fix CVE-2022-41717 (#5620, @SgtCoDfish)
  • Use manually specified tmpdir template when verifying CRDs (#5682, @SgtCoDFish)

Other (Cleanup or Flake)

  • Bump distroless base images to latest versions (#5677, @SgtCoDFish)


Jan. 10, 2023, 6:19 p.m.
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