Operator Framework SDK - v1.31.0



  • (ansible): Update the quay.io/operator-framework/ansible-operator base image to now use Ansible 2.15.0. Removes pre-installed Python modules that are not required to build and run the testdata/ansible/memcached-operator sample. Updates Python to 3.9 to work with Ansible 2.15.0. (#6483)
  • (ansible/v1): Updates the ansible/v1 plugin scaffolding to: - Remove the community.kubernetes collection - Update the operator_sdk.util collection from v0.4.0 --> v0.5.0 - Update the molecule.yaml files to work with molecule v5.1.0. (#6483)
  • (helm): Use informer to list helm secrets to improve performance. (#6354)
  • Updated Reference from "to_be_owned.namespace" to "to_be_owned.metadata.namespace " in the ansible reference documentation. (#6409)


  • (ansible): Remove the quay.io/operator-framework/ansible-operator-2.11-preview image. This image will no longer be built after Operator-SDK v1.30.0. (#6483)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a bug where olm install command is failed for "no-match" error.
    The output in this case is something like:
    $ operator-sdk olm install --verbose ... FATA[0001] Failed to install OLM version "latest": failed to create CRDs and resources: no matches for kind "OLMConfig" in version "operators.coreos.com/v1". Now, in this case, operator-sdk tries to create the resource again, until it succeeds (or until the timeout exceeded). (#6490)
  • Fix a bug where run bundle command does not copy all FBC manifests into the new catalog image if custom index-image is passed. (#6512)
  • markUnsafe now correctly marks as unsafe the all variables passed in spec. (#6376)


July 27, 2023, 3:05 p.m.
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