Operator Framework SDK - v1.16.0



  • For Ansible-based operators, add default resource limits for the manager. (#5274)
  • Add annotation to specify the default container. More info here. (#5330)
  • Add PHONY targets to Makefile. (#5330)
  • Add # TODO(user): Configure the resources accordingly based on the project requirements. into the file config/manager/manager.yaml to make this requirement clear for users. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/. (#5330)
  • For Golang-based projects, added ignore-not-found flag to the uninstall and undeploy Makefile targets. This change allows make undeploy and make install to continue if Kustomize encounters a missing resource. You can invoke this feature by calling make undeploy ignore-not-found=true. (#5330)
  • Add new optional validator Good Practices. You are able to test your bundle against good practices defined under operator framework solutions by running:
$ operator-sdk bundle validate ./bundle --select-optional name=good-practices OR $ operator-sdk bundle validate ./bundle --select-optional suite=operatorframework 

- Add the deprecated APIs optional checker, alpha-deprecated-apis, to the operatorframework suite. (#5407)


  • Upgrade OPM version that is used by default to 1.19.1 in the generated Makefile so make catalog-build also works on OSX. (#5099)
  • For Ansible-based operators, bumped the operator_sdk.util ansible module to 0.3.1. (#5462)
  • For a more consistent user experience, ensure that all areas that require to be changed are marked by TODO(user). (#5330)
  • For Helm-based Operators, adopted the same default resource limit values used to scaffold Golang-based projects. (#5330)
  • For Golang-based Operators, increase the values used in the default scaffold to define the resource limits usage and make clear the need to optimize its values based on the Operator requirements. (#5330)


  • Deprecation of the Optional(stage: alpha) Community Operator bundle validation. Its checks were moved to the external validator. (#5414)

Bug Fixes

  • Optional OperatorHub.io validator called by operator-sdk bundle validate ./bundle --select-optional name=operatorhub now includes a previously missing category Modernization & Migration. (#5375)
  • Improves the validate bundle spec error message to provide a better explanation when invalid service accounts are found. (#5375)
  • Improve scaffolding to filter existing multiline code fragments. More info kubernetes-sigs/kubebuilder#2343. (#5330)


Jan. 13, 2022, 12:34 a.m.
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