Loki - v2.8.0

Grafana Labs is excited to announce the release of Loki 2.8. :tada:

Notable changes:

  • TSDB index no longer experimental After extensive testing of the new TSDB index in our Grafana Cloud Logs offering, we can safely announce that it is no longer experimental and encourage all Loki deployments to use it!
  • Remote rule evaluation Rules can now be evaluated against a configured query-frontend, allowing these queries to be executed with all the parallelisation & optimisation that regular adhoc queries have.
  • Rule evaluation jitter Rulers now expose a configurable random sleep before each rule evaluation to prevent contention on the query engine should multiple runs execute concurrently.
  • Hierarchical scheduler queues The scheduler queues are now hierarchical, allowing QoS (query fairness) controls within the same tenant via the X-Actor-Path header.
  • Query blocker Queries can now be blocked in the Querier/Ruler via a per-tenant runtime configuration.
  • Query max bytes read limit Two new per-tenant limits were added to protect queriers from reading too much data when using the TSDB index. Setting max_query_bytes_read will refuse queries that will read more than the value configured. Setting max_querier_bytes_read will refuse queries whose subqueries would read more than the configured value after splitting and sharding. These limits leverage features of the TSDB index and therefore are only available when using TSDB.
  • Require number of labels per query A new per-tenant limit was introduced to require a certain number of labels on a query.
  • New backend target A new, third target was added to Loki's scalable configuration, which is the default configuration used in the Loki helm chart. This allows Loki to be run as 3 targets (read, write, and backend) and makes the read target stateless and therefore able to be run as a Kubernetes deployment that can be scaled automatically.

For a full list of all changes please look at the CHANGELOG.


The components of Loki are currently distributed in plain binary form and as Docker container images. Choose what fits your use-case best.

Docker container:

  • https://hub.docker.com/r/grafana/loki
  • https://hub.docker.com/r/grafana/promtail
$ docker pull "grafana/loki:v2.8.0"
$ docker pull "grafana/promtail:v2.8.0"


We provide pre-compiled binary executables for the most common operating systems and architectures.
Choose from the assets below for the application and architecture matching your system.
Example for Loki on the linux operating system and amd64 architecture:

$ curl -O -L "https://github.com/grafana/loki/releases/download/v2.8.0/loki-linux-amd64.zip"
# extract the binary
$ unzip "loki-linux-amd64.zip"
# make sure it is executable
$ chmod a+x "loki-linux-amd64"

Upgrade Considerations

As always, please read the upgrade guide before upgrading Loki.


April 4, 2023, 3:52 p.m.
Loki 2.8.0
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