Kubernetes - v1.30.0-rc.0

Changelog since v1.30.0-beta.0

Changes by Kind

Failing Test

  • Revert "support sharing waitingPods across different scheduler profiles" (#124001, @kerthcet) [SIG Scheduling]

Bug or Regression

  • Currently, NodeAdded QueueingHint could not always be called because of the internal feature called preCheck.
    It's definitely not something expected for plugin developers,
    and we're trying to eventually remove preCheck completely to fix this.
    Until then we'll register UpdateNodeTaint event for plugins that have NodeAdded event, but don't have UpdateNodeTaint event.
    It'd result in a bad impact on the requeuing efficiency though, a lot better than some Pods being stuck in the
    unschedulable pod pool. (#122292, @sanposhiho) [SIG Node, Scheduling, Storage and Testing]
  • Fix enabling consistent list from watch cache also works for resourceVersion=0 (#123676, @serathius) [SIG API Machinery]
  • Kube-apiserver: fixes a 1.27+ regression in watch stability by serving watch requests without a resourceVersion from the watch cache by default, as in <1.27 (disabling the change in #115096 by default). This mitigates the impact of an etcd watch bug (https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/pull/17555). If the 1.27 change in #115096 to serve these requests from underlying storage is still desired despite the impact on watch stability, it can be re-enabled with a WatchFromStorageWithoutResourceVersion feature gate. (#123935, @serathius) [SIG API Machinery and Etcd]



Nothing has changed.


Nothing has changed.


Nothing has changed.


March 27, 2024, 9:49 a.m.
Kubernetes v1.30.0-rc.0
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