Kubernetes - v1.28.5

Changelog since v1.28.4

Changes by Kind


  • Kubernetes is now built with Go 1.20.12 (#122216, @xmudrii) [SIG Release and Testing]

Bug or Regression

  • Fix panic if there are more terminating pods than active pods (#122267, @kannon92) [SIG Apps]
  • Fix: statle smb mount issue when smb file share is deleted and then unmount (#121851, @andyzhangx) [SIG Storage]
  • Fixed a regression since 1.27.0 in scheduler framework when running score plugins.
    The skippedScorePlugins number might be greater than enabledScorePlugins,
    so when initializing a slice the cap(len(skippedScorePlugins) - len(enabledScorePlugins)) is negative,
    which is not allowed. (#121667, @kerthcet) [SIG Scheduling]
  • Fixes a kube-apiserver log volume regression bug in default 1.27 configurations (introduced in 1.26, activated by the AggregatedDiscoveryEndpoint feature enablement in 1.27) (#122096, @ritazh) [SIG API Machinery]
  • Fixes a regression in kube-scheduler memory use in default 1.28 configurations by moving the SchedulerQueueingHints feature gate back to disabled by default. (#122291, @sanposhiho) [SIG Scheduling]
  • Fixes an issue where StatefulSet might not restart a pod after eviction or node failure. (#121389, @aleksandra-malinowska) [SIG Apps and Testing]
  • The scheduling queue didn't notice any extenders' failures, it could miss some cluster events,
    and it could end up Pods rejected by Extenders stuck in unschedulable pod pool in 5min in the worst-case scenario.
    Now, the scheduling queue notices extenders' failures and requeue Pods rejected by Extenders appropriately. (#122045, @sanposhiho) [SIG Scheduling]

Other (Cleanup or Flake)

  • Bump distroless-iptables to 0.2.8 based on Go 1.20.11 (#121976, @cpanato) [SIG Testing]
  • Makefile and scripts now respect GOTOOLCHAIN and otherwise ensure ./.go-version is used (#122075, @BenTheElder) [SIG Release and Testing]



Nothing has changed.



Nothing has changed.


Dec. 20, 2023, 1:23 p.m.
Kubernetes v1.28.5
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